
Ecological art multimedia event in Janko Veselinovic school, Belgrade, Serbia

from Valentina Mirkovic

I want to share with you my impressions and to tell you that we performed our ecological-art event in our school. In fact, it turned into more of a lecture, because we decided to be much more serious this year. The only thing that we didn`t manage to do was to include 4th graders, but that would be something for the next time…

We chose Earth Day as the day for our performance. It was a public class, in the lobby, for all students and teachers. This time, we gave students a more scientific task. One group of children got to work on PP presentations and they had to explore the rainforest as a natural phenomenon from a geographical and biological point of view. And, of course with ecological aspects, in another words, what happens to nature due to pollution, greenhouse effect, global melting… etc. and what might become of our beautiful rainforests all over the world. What species are already extinct and which, unfortunately, will be, very likely…

After that serious and warning introduction, we continued, with a second group of students, and the story of the artistic side of the project. They explained what could be done and that art is one way to focus attention on the growing problem. Here, we devoted more talks about the international children`s art competition, which we`ve participated in for the second year, and about the whole idea of your site “Frogs Are Green” which inspired us.

Some of the kids presented their art works and spoke about the virtual gallery where ours and also artworks of other children from all over the world could be seen. At the end, two girls read your text, in English and Serbian, from the blog, “My green dream.” My colleagues and I thought that this letter is so universal and carries the thoughts that we share. And that would be it! We`re sending photos of all of us who participated and looking forward to some new cooperation and ideas in the future!

One more thing, one request! Could I ask for some sort of confirmation for us as teachers, that we, with our students participated in an international project. They are asking us that from our school administration. I have downloaded certificates for children, but, what do you think, whether they could be used for teachers too? If you think it is ok, then I could use those certificates, just with our names, teachers names… If you have any other idea or suggestion, let me know. In any case, I thank you once again for support and cooperation and I hope for new competitions and ideas about preservation of the living world on our Earth!!!!!

Bye, bye, With All the Best, Valentina (and Sanja, Nevena, Slavica and Zoran. Huge greetings from my collegues too !) p.s. I am the little black haired woman in the middle, with a yellow scarf.


After receiving this marvelous email we designed the certificates for the Teachers to receive as well!

Teaching certificate for Valentina Mirkovinc from Frogs Are Green!

What’s that croaking under the Ice? It’s Winter frogs!

by Matt Ellerbeck – Frog Conservationist

When one thinks of encountering wildlife in Ontario, the winter months don’t exactly spring to mind. With the cold temperatures and often considerable snow-pact, many animals are hunkered down. This is especially true for (most) reptiles and amphibians. However, over the last few years I have had the opportunity to observe several frogs during the winter months. This includes several Leopard Frogs (Lithobates pipiens) and one Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans).

Both of these frog species are semi-aquatic and often over-winter in streams or other bodies of water that do not freeze to the bottom. Another important attribute of over-wintering sites is highly oxygenated water, that can keep the frogs from suffocating. Just enough oxygen can be absorbed into the frogs permeable skins to allow them to survive such conditions.

This is why frogs do not fully submerge themselves into the substrates of ponds and creeks, when over-wintering as such burials would prevent this oxygen exchange from occurring.

All the frogs I observed in the winter were in creeks/streams with some current. Often several areas of the water were ice-free. Sometimes the frogs could be see moving around very slowly under the ice. This is why the term over-wintering is appropriate for these animals, as it is not a true hibernation due to the frogs sometimes being active (no matter how lethargic it be).

Seeing a frog in such an environment is an amazing experience!

Leopard frog under thin layer of ice by Matt Ellerbeck, Save All Frogs founder

Leopard Frog observed under a thin layer of ice.

Frogs, being ectothermic, are not usually thought of as an animal that can be active during the winter months, but this fact emphasizes the amazing abilities of frogs to survive in such intense and cold climates.

Although frogs can endure harsh northern winters, they still have a host of other threats that they face. To learn more about the conservation concerns that frog face and how you can help, please visit: www.saveallfrogs.com

Matt Ellerbeck
Frog Advocate & Conservationist


Winners of the 2018 Frogs Are Green Kids Art Contest

We are so pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 kids art contest. We are publishing the results of the age group categories (3-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-17) with more winners/categories below!

Frogs Are Green received 2700 artworks from more than 35 countries and from states in the USA coast-to-coast! Full description forthcoming!

Winners – Age group 3-6


1st place, Rose Golestan, 6 yrs old, Iran

2nd-place, Ananya Atul Bajpayee, 5 years old, India

2nd-place, Ananya Atul Bajpayee, 5 years old, India

3rd-place, Trapa Choudhury, 5 yrs old, India

3rd-place, Trapa Choudhury, 5 yrs old, India

4th-place, Kirill Zhukov (6 years old), Russia, St. Petersburg

4th-place, Kirill Zhukov (6 years old), Russia, St. Petersburg

Ja Aswaa, 6 years old, India

Ja Aswaa, 6 years old, India, Honorable Mention

Minul Demitha Singappuli , 5 years old, Sri Lanka

Minul Demitha Singappuli , 5 years old, Sri Lanka, Honorable Mention

Abraham Pramanik, 6 years old, Canada

Abraham Pramanik, 6 years old, Canada, Honorable Mention

1st-place-Rose-Golestan-6-yrs-Iran thumbnail
2nd-place-Ananya Atul Bajpayee, 5 years old, India thumbnail
3rd-place-Trapa Choudhury, 5 yrs old, India thumbnail
4th-place-Kirill Zhukov (6 years old), Russia, St. Petersburg thumbnail
Ja Aswaa, 6 years old, India thumbnail
Minul Demitha Singappuli , 5 years old, Sri Lanka thumbnail
Abraham Pramanik, 6 years old, Canada thumbnail

1st Place, Rose Golestan, 6 years old, Iran
2nd Place, Ananya Atul Bajpayee, 5 years old, India
3rd Place, Trapa Choudhury, 5 years old, India
4th Place, Kirill Zhukov, 6 years old, Russia
  Honorable Mentions:
Ja Aswaa, 6 years old, India
Minul Demitha Singappuli, 5 years old, Sri Lanka
Abraham Pramanik, 6 years old, Canada

Winners – Age group 7-9

1st place-Selena-Chen-9-yrs-Canada

1st place, Selena Chen, 9 years old, Canada

2nd place-Michelle-Law-8-yrs-old-Hong-Kong

2nd place, Michelle Law, 8 years old, Hong Kong

3rd place, Wimootta Aramsaengchan, age 7, Thailand

3rd place, Wimootta Aramsaengchan, age 7, Thailand

4th place, Kira Orlova, Age 8, Russia

4th place, Kira Orlova, Age 8, Russia

Ceylin Soyoğlu, 7-9 age group, Turkey

Ceylin Soyoğlu, 7-9 age group, Turkey

Lindsay Choe, 8 years old, CA

Lindsay Choe, 8 years old, CA


Naysita Nurcahyan, 9 years old, Indonesia


Teddy Huang, 9 years old, CA, USA



Krushna P. Prabhu, 9 Years, India

Krushna P. Prabhu, 9 Years, India

1st place-Selena-Chen-9-yrs-Canada thumbnail
2nd place-Michelle-Law-8-yrs-old-Hong-Kong thumbnail
3rd place, Wimootta Aramsaengchan, age 7, Thailand thumbnail
4th place, Kira Orlova, Age 8, Russia thumbnail
Ceylin Soyoğlu, 7-9 age group, Turkey thumbnail
Lindsay Choe, 8 years old, CA thumbnail
Naysita-Nurcahyan-9-yrs-Indonesia thumbnail
Teddy-Huang-9-yrs-CA-USA thumbnail
Worth-Logriga-9-yrs-old-Philippines-Saving-The-Rainforest-Oil-Pastels thumbnail
Krushna P. Prabhu, 9 Years, India thumbnail
1st Place, Selena Chen, 9 years old, Canada
2nd Place, Michelle Law, 8 years old, China
3rd Place, Wimootta Aramsaengchan, 7 years old, Thailand
4th Place, Kira Orlova, 8 years old, Russia
  Honorable Mentions:
Ceylin Soyoglu, 7-9 age grp, Turkey
Lindsay Choe, 8 years old, CA, USA
Naysita Nurcahyan, 9 years old, Indonesia
Teddy Huang, 9 years old, CA, USA
Worth Lodriga, 9 years old, Philippines
Krushna P. Prabhu, 9 years old, India

Winners – Age group 10-12

1st-place, Andrew Tao, 12 years old, Canada

1st-place, Andrew Tao, 12 years old, Canada

2nd-place, Eva Zeng, 11 Years old, Canada

2nd-place, Eva Zeng, 11 Years old, Canada

3rd-place, Hiranyika Aphithanang, age 10, Thailand

3rd-place, Hiranyika Aphithanang, age 10, Thailand



Anna Bashirian, 12 years, Wisconsin, USA

Anna Bashirian, 12 years, Wisconsin, USA

Teresa Tao, 12 years old, CA, Frog still-life, black and white,

Teresa Tao, 12 years old, CA, USA, Frog still-life, black and white,

Tamacinchi Maria-Magdalena, 12 years, Moldova

Tamacinchi Maria-Magdalena, 12 years, Moldova

Picnic by the bank, Jane Ser, 10 years old, CA

Picnic by the bank, Jane Ser, 10 years old, CA

Natchapat Nakkham , age 11, Thailand

Natchapat Nakkham , age 11, Thailand

1st-place, Andrew Tao, 12 years old, Canada thumbnail
2nd-place, Eva Zeng, 11 Years old, Canada thumbnail
3rd-place, Hiranyika Aphithanang, age 10, Thailand thumbnail
Wing-Lam-Mok-10-yrs-old-Big-House-Art-Workshop-China thumbnail
Anna Bashirian, 12 years, Wisconsin, USA thumbnail
Frog still-life, black and white,Teresa Tao, 12 years old, CA thumbnail
Tamacinchi Maria-Magdalena, 12 years, Tropical, tea-r Ciusova Ecaterina,Cahul,Moldova thumbnail
Picnic by the bank, Jane Ser, 10 years old, CA thumbnail
Natchapat Nakkham , age 11, Thailand thumbnail

1st Place, Andrew Tao, 12 years old, Canada
2nd Place, Eva Zeng, 11 years old, Canada
3rd Place, Hiranyika Aphithanang, 10 years old, Thailand
  Honorable Mentions:
Wing Lam Mok, 10 years old, China
Anna Bashirian, 12 years old, WI, USA
Teresa Tao, 12 years old, CA, USA
Tamacinchi Maria-Magdelena, 12 years old, Moldova
Jane Ser, 10 years old, CA, USA
Natchapat, 11 years old, Thailand

Winners – Age group 13-17

1st place, Hailin Zheng, 13 years, Canada

1st place, Hailin Zheng, 13 years, Canada

2nd place, Fitri Nuraliza, 14 years old, Indonesia

2nd place, Fitri Nuraliza, 14 years old, Indonesia

3rd Place, Sahana Hariharan, 13 years old, CA, USA

3rd Place, Sahana Hariharan, 13 years old, CA, USA

Gulnaz Serikbay, 16 years old, Kazakhstan

Gulnaz Serikbay, 16 years old, Kazakhstan

Alpieva Altynai, 14 yrs, Kazakhstan

Alpieva Altynai, 14 yrs, Kazakhstan

Cioclea Nicoleta, 17 years, Moldova

Cioclea Nicoleta, 17 years, Moldova

Yash Kashyap, 13 years old, Singapore

Yash Kashyap, 13 years old, Singapore

Siva Shankar V-14-yrs-old-India

Siva Shankar V, 14 yrs old, India

1st place, Hailin Zheng, 13 years, Canada thumbnail
2nd place, Fitri Nuraliza, 14 years old, Indonesia thumbnail
3rd Place, Sahana Hariharan, 13 years old, CA, USA thumbnail
Gulnaz Serikbay, 16 years old, Kazakhstan thumbnail
Alpieva Altynai, 14 yrs, Kazakhstan thumbnail
Cioclea Nicoleta, 17 years, Moldova thumbnail
Yash Kashyap, 13 years old, Singapore thumbnail
Siva Shankar V-14-yrs-old-India-2 thumbnail

1st Place, Hailin Zheng, 13 years old, Canada
2nd Place, Fitzi Nuraliza, 14 years old, Indonesia
3rd Place, Sahana Hariharan, 13 years old, CA, USA
  Honorable Mentions:
Gulnaz Serikbay, 16 years old, Kazakhstan
Alpieva Altynai, 14 years old, Kazakhstan
Cloclea Nicoleta, 17 years old, Moldova
Yash Kashyap, 13 years old, Singapore
Siva Shankar, 14 years old, India

Winners: Best Rainforest Scenic Art

1st Place, Worth Lodriga, 9 yrs old, Philippines, Saving The Rainforest, Oil Pastels

1st Place, Worth Lodriga, 9 yrs old, Philippines, Saving The Rainforest, Oil Pastels

2nd Place, Mary Petushchak, 15 years. Ukraine

2nd Place, Mary Petushchak, 15 years. Ukraine

3rd Place, Kaya Yuzseven, 13 Years old, Turkey

3rd Place, Kaya Yuzseven, 13 Years old, Turkey

4th Place, Martin Boyd, 12 yrs old, Canada

4th Place, Martin Boyd, 12 yrs old, Canada

Simerjeet Mudhas, 15 yrs old, Chill Frog, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Simerjeet Mudhas, 15 yrs old, Chill Frog, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Paphamat Napattalung,age 7, Thailand

Paphamat Napattalung,age 7, Thailand

Aayushi-Sen, 8 yrs old, India

Aayushi-Sen, 8 yrs old, India

Sayee Ghoderao, 9 years old, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Sayee Ghoderao, 9 years old, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

1st Place, Worth-Lodriga-9-yrs-old-Philippines-Saving-The-Rainforest-Oil-Pastels thumbnail
2nd Place, Mary Petushchak, 15 years. Ukraine thumbnail
3rd Place, Kaya Yuzseven, 13 Years old, Turkey thumbnail
4th Place, Martin Boyd, 12 yrs old, Canada thumbnail
Simerjeet-Mudhas-15-yrs-old-Chill-Frog-Jersey-City-NJ-USA thumbnail
Paphamat Napattalung,age 7, Thailand thumbnail
Aayushi-Sen, 8 yrs old, India thumbnail
Sayee Ghoderao, 9 years old, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA thumbnail

1st Place, Worth Lodriga, 9 years old, Philippines
2nd Place, Mary Petushchak, 15 years old, Ukraine
3rd Place, Kaya Yuzseven, 13 years old, Turkey
4th Place, Martin Boyd, 12 years old, Canada
  Honorable Mentions:
Simerjeet Mudhas, 15 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Aayushi-Sen, 8 years old, India
Paphamat Napattalung, 7 years old, Thailand
Sayee Ghoderao, 9 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Winners: Best Rainforest Wildlife Art

1st Place, Nazarova Marina 11 years Russia Volzhskiy

1st Place, Nazarova Marina 11 years Russia Volzhskiy

2nd Place, Naina Surana, 11 years old, India

2nd Place, Naina Surana, 11 years old, India

3rd Place, Hiranyika Aphithanang, age 10, Thailand

3rd Place, Hiranyika Aphithanang, age 10, Thailand

4th Place, Shitikova Yekaterina, 11 years old, Russia, Oryol, A pretty frog

4th Place, Shitikova Yekaterina, 11 years old, Russia, Oryol, A pretty frog

Dasha Nilova, 16 years old, Russia

Dasha Nilova, 16 years old, Russia

Gulnaz Serikbay, Kazakhstan, 16 years old, Kazakhstan

Gulnaz Serikbay, Kazakhstan, 16 years old, Kazakhstan

LI Ngok Tung, 5 years old, Hong Kong, China

LI Ngok Tung, 5 years old, Hong Kong, China

Roya Tasnin, 9 years old, USA, Rainforest and Circle of Mother Nature

Roya Tasnin, 9 years old, USA, Rainforest and Circle of Mother Nature

1st Place, Nazarova Marina 11 years Russia Volzhskiy thumbnail
2nd Place, Naina Surana, 11 years old, India thumbnail
3rd Place, Hiranyika Aphithanang, age 10, Thailand thumbnail
4th Place, Shitikova Yekaterina, 11 years old, Russia, Oryol, A pretty frog thumbnail
Dasha Nilova, 16 years old, Russia thumbnail
Gulnaz Serikbay, Kazakhstan, 16 years old, Kazakhstan thumbnail
LI Ngok Tung, 5 years old, Hong Kong, China thumbnail
Roya Tasnin, 9 years old, USA, Rainforest and Circle of Mother Nature thumbnail

1st Place, Nazarova Marina, 11 years old, Russia
2nd Place, Naina Surana, 11 years old, India
3rd Place, Hiranyika Aphithanang, 10 years old, Thailand
4th Place, Shitikova Yekaterina, 11 years old, Russia
  Honorable Mentions:
Dasha Nilova, 16 years old, Russia
Gulnaz Serikbay, 16 years old, Kazakhstan
LI Ngok Tung, 5 years old, Hong Kong, China
Roya Tasnin, 9 years old, USA

Winners: Best Environmental Message Art

1st Place, Taffy Chen, 11 yrs old, USA, Vicious circle of drought in forest

1st Place, Taffy Chen, 11 yrs old, USA, Vicious circle of drought in forest

2nd Place, Natchapat Nakkham , age 11, Thailand

2nd Place, Natchapat Nakkham , age 11, Thailand

3rd Place, Eileen-Nyaba-16-yrs-old-Save-the-Rainforest-Jersey-City-NJ-USA

3rd Place, Eileen Nyaba, 16 yrs old, Save the Rainforest, Jersey City, NJ, USA

4th Place, David-Guo, 11 years old, Canada

4th Place, David-Guo, 11 years old, Canada

Alpieva Altynai, 14 years old, Kazakhstan

Alpieva Altynai, 14 years old, Kazakhstan

Ananya Aloke, 14 years old, India, Frogs_Are_Green

Ananya Aloke, 14 years old, India, Frogs_Are_Green

Daniel Organ, 14 years old, USA, El Nino Fire in Amazon

Daniel Organ, 14 years old, USA, El Nino Fire in Amazon

Mana Sorahi, 16 yrs old, Iran, Frogs Are Green contest 2018

Mana Sorahi, 16 yrs old, Iran, Frogs Are Green contest 2018


Selena Chen, 9 years old, Canada

Tanaporn Suparuksuebwong, age 10, Thailand

Tanaporn Suparuksuebwong, age 10, Thailand

Cynthia Zou, 16 years old, Maryland, USA

Cynthia Zou, 16 years old, Maryland, USA

1st Place, Taffy Chen, 11 yrs old, USA, Vicious circle of drought in forest thumbnail
2nd Place, Natchapat Nakkham , age 11, Thailand thumbnail
3rd Place, Eileen-Nyaba-16-yrs-old-Save-the-Rainforest-Jersey-City-NJ-USA thumbnail
4th Place, David-Guo, 11 years old, Canada thumbnail
Alpieva Altynai 14 years old Kazakhstan thumbnail
Ananya Aloke, 14 years old, India, Frogs_Are_Green thumbnail
Daniel Organ, 14 years old, USA, El Nino Fire in Amazon thumbnail
Mana Sorahi, 16 yrs old, Iran, Frogs Are Green contest 2018 thumbnail
Selena-Chen-9-yrs-Canada thumbnail
Tanaporn Suparuksuebwong, age 10, Thailand thumbnail
Cynthia Zou, 16 years old, Maryland, USA thumbnail

1st Place, Taffy Chen, 11 years old, USA
2nd Place, Natchapat Nakkham, 11 years old, Thailand
3rd Place, Eileen Nyaba, 16 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
4th Place, David Guo, 11 years old, Canada
  Honorable Mentions:
Alpieva Altynail, 14 years old, Kazakhstan
Ananya Aloke, 14 years old, India
Daniel Organ, 14 years old, USA
Mana Sorahi, 16 years old, Iran
Selena Chen, 9 years old, Canada
Tana Suparuksuebwong, 10 years old, Thailand
Cynthia Zou, 16 years old, Maryland, USA

Best Black and White Artwork:

1st-place, Shitikova Yekaterina, 11 years old, Russia, Oryol, Ecological disaster, BW

1st-place, Shitikova Yekaterina, 11 years old, Russia, Oryol, Ecological disaster

2nd-place, Elçin Sefer, 14 years old,Turkey

2nd-place, Elçin Sefer, 14 years old,Turkey

3rd-place, Setthasan Jirathanaprasert, age 13, Thailand

3rd-place, Setthasan Jirathanaprasert, age 13, Thailand

Dashidondokova Adisa, 10 years old

Dashidondokova Adisa, 10 years old

Ekrem Arda KUMUS, 9 years old, TURKEY

Ekrem Arda KUMUS, 9 years old, TURKEY

Kochetova Elizaveta Vyacheslavovna, 12 years old, Frog dreams, Russia-BW

Kochetova Elizaveta Vyacheslavovna, 12 years old, Frog dreams, Russia

Samigulina Damilla, 13-17 age grp

Samigulina Damilla, 13-17 age grp

1st-place, Shitikova Yekaterina, 11 years old, Russia, Oryol, Ecological disaster, BW thumbnail
2nd-place, Elçin Sefer, 14 years old,Turkey-contrast thumbnail
3rd-place, Setthasan Jirathanaprasert, age 13, Thailand thumbnail
Dashidondokova Adisa, 10 years old thumbnail
Ekrem Arda KUMUS, 9 years old, TURKEY thumbnail
Kochetova Elizaveta Vyacheslavovna 12 years old Frog dreams Russia-BW thumbnail
Samigulina Damilla, 13-17 age grp thumbnail

1st Place, Yekaterina Shitikova, 11 years old, Russia
2nd Place, Elcin Sefer, 14 years old, Turkey
3rd Place, Setthasan Jirathanaprasert, 13 years old, Thailand
  Honorable Mentions:
Adisa Dashidondokova, 10 years old
Ekrem Arda Kumus, 9 years old, Turkey
Elizaveta Kochetova Vyacheslavovna, 12 years old, Russia
Damilla Samigulina, 13-17 age grp

Best 3D Artwork

1st-place, Julie Knauth, 10 years old, CA, USA, 3D art, 3D amazon creatures, clay

1st-place, Julie Knauth, 10 years old, CA, USA, 3D art, 3D amazon creatures, clay

2nd-place, 3D Save the Rainforest by Isha Deshmukh, 7 yrs, New Jersey, USA

2nd-place, 3D Save the Rainforest by Isha Deshmukh, 7 yrs, New Jersey, USA

3rd-place, Margarita Kovalenko, 8 years, Russia

3rd-place, Margarita Kovalenko, 8 years, Russia

Andrew Qiu, 16 yrs old, Canada

Andrew Qiu, 16 yrs old, Canada

Turtle pond, Yuna Han, 9 years old, CA , 3d art

Turtle pond, Yuna Han, 9 years old, CA , 3d art

Abigail Knauth, 7 years old, CA, USA, 3D art

Abigail Knauth, 7 years old, CA, USA, 3D art

Shchekochikhina Veronika, 6 years old, Russia, 3D

Shchekochikhina Veronika, 6 years old, Russia, 3D

3D Rainforest Life by Vihaan Deshmukh, 7yrs, New Jersey USA

3D Rainforest Life by Vihaan Deshmukh, 7yrs, New Jersey USA

1st-place, Julie Knauth_10 yo_USA_CA 3D art 3D amazon creatures, clay thumbnail
2nd-place, 3D Save the Rainforest by Isha Deshmukh, 7 yrs, New Jersey, USA thumbnail
3rd-place, Margarita Kovalenko, 8 years, Russia thumbnail
Andrew Qiu, 16 yrs old, Canada thumbnail
Turtle pond, Yuna Han, 9 years old, CA , 3d art thumbnail
Abigail Knauth_7 yo_USA_CA_3D art thumbnail
Shchekochikhina Veronika, 6 years old, Russia, 3D thumbnail
3D Rainforest Life by Vihaan Deshmukh, 7yrs, New Jersey USA thumbnail

1st Place, Julie Knauth, 10 years old, CA, USA
2nd Place, Isha Deshmukh, 7 years old, NJ, USA
3rd Place, Margarita Kovalenko, 8 years old, Russia
  Honorable Mentions:
Andrew Qiu, 16 years old, Canada
Yuna Han, 9 years old, CA, USA
Abigail Knauth, 7 years old, CA, USA
Veronika Shchekochikhira, 6 years old, Russia
Vihaan Deshmukh, 7 years old, NJ, USA

Best of Hoboken Artwork

1st Place, Kylie Jiansky, 7 years old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

1st Place, Kylie Jiansky, 7 years old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

2nd Place, Lara Frietas, 5 yrs old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

2nd Place, Lara Frietas, 5 yrs old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

3rd Place, Emily Smith, 6 yrs old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

3rd Place, Emily Smith, 6 yrs old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

Owen Danen, 5 yrs old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

Owen Danen, 5 yrs old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

Viola Kronstroem, 5 yrs old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

Viola Kronstroem, 5 yrs old, Hoboken, NJ, USA

1st Place, Kylie Jiansky, 7 years old, Hoboken, NJ, USA thumbnail
2nd Place, Lara-Frietas-5-yrs-old-Hoboken-NJ-USA thumbnail
3rd Place, Emily-Smith-6-yrs-old-Hoboken-NJ-USA thumbnail
Owen-Danen-5-yrs-old-Hoboken-NJ-USA thumbnail
Viola-Kronstroem-5-yrs-old-Hoboken-NJ-USA thumbnail

1st Place, Kylie Jiansky, 7 years old, Hoboken, NJ, USA
2nd Place, Lara Frietos, 5 years old, Hoboken, NJ, USA
3rd Place, Emily Smith, 6 years old, Hoboken, NJ, USA
  Honorable Mentions
Owen Danen
Viola Kronstroem

Best of Jersey City Artwork

1st place, Aida Deleg, 16 years old, Liberty HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA

1st place, Aida Deleg, 16 years old, Liberty HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA

2nd place, Claudia Gomez, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

2nd place, Claudia Gomez, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

3rd place, Sayee Ghoderao, 9 years old, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

3rd place, Sayee Ghoderao, 9 years old, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Amani Hancock, 17 years old, Liberty HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Amani Hancock, 17 years old, Liberty HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Caroline Tew, 15 years old, Frogs are orange, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Caroline Tew, 15 years old, Frogs are orange, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Eileen Nyaba, 16 yrs old, Save the Rainforest, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Eileen Nyaba, 16 yrs old, Save the Rainforest, Jersey City, NJ, USA

1st place, Aida Deleg, 16 years old, Liberty HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA thumbnail
2nd place, Claudia Gomez, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA thumbnail
3rd place, Sayee Ghoderao, 9 years old, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA thumbnail
Amani Hancock, 17 years old, Liberty HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA thumbnail
Caroline-Tew-15-years-old-Frogs-are-orange-Jersey-City-NJ-USA thumbnail
Eileen-Nyaba-16-yrs-old-Save-the-Rainforest-Jersey-City-NJ-USA thumbnail

1st Place, Aida Deleg, 16 yrs old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
2nd Place, Claudia Gomez, 13 yrs old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
3rd Place, Sayee Ghoderao, 9 yrs old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
  Honorable Mentions
Amani Hancock, 17 yrs old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Caroline Tew, 15 yrs old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Eileen Nyaba, 16 yrs old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Best of Russia Artwork

1st Place, Markina Anastasia, 13 years old, teacher Berezina Olga Yurievna, 50 years, Russia (Samara)

1st Place, Markina Anastasia, 13 years old, teacher Berezina Olga Yurievna, 50 years, Russia (Samara)

2nd Place, Bayanova Diana, age 14, Russia, Novosibirsk

2nd Place, Bayanova Diana, age 14, Russia, Novosibirsk

3rd Place, Kuzovleva Tatyana 10 years old Russia

3rd Place, Kuzovleva Tatyana 10 years old Russia

Burlakova Darya, Age 14, Russia, Novosibirsk

Burlakova Darya, Age 14, Russia, Novosibirsk

Kholina Sofia 11 years Russia Izhevsk

Kholina Sofia 11 years Russia Izhevsk

Shadrina Anastasia 13 years, teacher Breeva Olga, Russia

Shadrina Anastasia 13 years, teacher Breeva Olga, Russia

Lukyanova Evgenia, 17 years old, Russia

Lukyanova Evgenia, 17 years old, Russia

1st Place, Markina Anastasia, 13 years old, teacher Berezina Olga Yurievna, 50 years, Russia (Samara) thumbnail
2nd Place, Bayanova Diana, age 14, Russia, Novosibirsk thumbnail
3rd Place, Kuzovleva Tatyana 10 years old Russia thumbnail
Burlakova Darya, Age 14, Russia, Novosibirsk thumbnail
Kholina Sofia 11 years Russia Izhevsk thumbnail
Shadrina Anastasia 13 years, teacher Breeva Olga, Russia thumbnail
Lukyanova Evgenia, 17 years old, Russia thumbnail

1st Place, Anastasia Markina, 13 yrs old, Russia
2nd Place, Diana Bayanova, 14 yrs old, Russia
3rd Place, Tatyana Kuzovleva, 10 yrs old, Russia
  Honorable Mentions
Darya Burlakova, 14 yrs old, Russia
Sofia Kholina, 11 yrs old, Russia
Anastasia Shadrina, 13 yrs old, Russia

Best of Turkey Artwork

1st Place, Eylem-Konuklar, 11 yrs old, Turkey

1st Place, Eylem-Konuklar, 11 yrs old, Turkey

2nd Place, Beril TAŞ, 12 yrs old, TURKEY

2nd Place, Beril TAŞ, 12 yrs old, TURKEY

3rd Place, Sumeyye SANIK, 8 age, TURKEY

3rd Place, Sumeyye SANIK, 8 age, TURKEY

Kaya Yuzseven, 13 Years old, Turkey

Kaya Yuzseven, 13 Years old, Turkey

Elifnaz DEMİR, 12 age, TURKEY

Elifnaz DEMİR, 12 age, TURKEY

Duru Karadede, 8 yrs old, Turkey, Saving life in the rainforest

Duru Karadede, 8 yrs old, Turkey, Saving life in the rainforest

1st Place, Eylem-Konuklar, 11 yrs old, Turkey thumbnail
2nd Place, Beril TAŞ, 12 yrs old, TURKEY thumbnail
3rd Place, Sumeyye SANIK,8 age,TURKEY thumbnail
Kaya Yuzseven 13 Years old Turkey thumbnail
Elifnaz DEMİR,12 age,TURKEY thumbnail
Duru-Karadede-8-yrs-old-Turkey-Saving-life-in-the-rainforest thumbnail

1st Place, Eylem Konuklar, 11 yrs old, Turkey
2nd Place, Beril Tas, 12 yrs old, Turkey
3rd Place, Sanik Sumeyye, 8 yrs old, Turkey
  Honorable Mentions
Kaya Yuzseven, 13 yrs old, Turkey
Demir Elifnaz, 12 yrs old, Turkey
Duru Karadede, 8 yrs old, Turkey

Best of Kazakhstan Artwork

1st Place, Gulnaz Serikbay, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, 16 years old.

1st Place, Gulnaz Serikbay, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, 16 years old.

2nd Place, Alpieva Altynai, 14 years old, Kazakhstan

2nd Place, Alpieva Altynai, 14 years old, Kazakhstan

3rd Place, Parrot. Pak Yana is 8 years old. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I

3rd Place, Parrot. Pak Yana is 8 years old. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I

Elephant. Diskusi Rahia. 6 years. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I

Elephant. Diskusi Rahia. 6 years. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I

Tiger. Ivanenko Sofia, 9 years old. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I

Tiger. Ivanenko Sofia, 9 years old. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I

1st Place, Gulnaz serikbay, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, 16 years old. thumbnail
2nd Place, Alpieva Altynai 14 years old Kazakhstan thumbnail
3rd Place, Parrot. Pak Yana is 8 years old. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I thumbnail
Elephant. Diskusi Rahia. 6 years. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I thumbnail
Tiger. Ivanenko Sofia, 9 years old. Kazakhstan, Almaty, School of Art and Design. Kasteeva, teacher Kuznetsov Yu.I thumbnail

1st Place, Gulnaz Serikbay, 16 yrs old, Kazakhstan
2nd Place, Alpieva Altynai, 14 yrs old, Kazakhstan
3rd Place, Pak Yana, 8 yrs old, Kazakhstan
  Honorable Mentions
Rahia Diskusi, 6 yrs old, Kazakhstan
Sofia Ivanenko, 9 yrs old, Kazakhstan

‘Save All Frogs’ Initiative Launched!

Save All Frogs‘ Initiative Launched!

Matt Ellerbeck – Frog Advocate & Conservationist

Frogs are one of the most diverse forms of herpetofauna in the province of Ontario, boasting more species than turtles, lizards, or salamanders. Yet, there is no outreach education effort solely devoted to these amphibians within the province.

This is unfortunate as many frog species are threatened with extinction. Furthermore, the endangerment of frogs is not exclusive to regions outside of Ontario. Several of the province’s native species are in serious decline.

The Great Lake/St. Lawrence population (east and north of Toronto) of the Western Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata) is listed as Threatened under the federal Species at Risk Act. The Fowler’s Toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) is even more at risk, being listed as Endangered. Worse still, the diminutive Northern Cricket Frog (Acris crepitans) is considered extinct from Ontario.

More of Ontario’s frogs could also be disappearing, as many species have not yet been properly assessed.

This is what inspired me to launch my Save All Frogs project. With this effort I will be educating individuals throughout the province on why frogs are disappearing, what roles they play in the environment, and most importantly how they can help.

I will be emphasizing as I visit schools, camps, conservation areas and other venues that individuals can become involved with the recovery of frogs via behavioral changes, informed decision making, environmental stewardship actions, and habitat management efforts.

Education has been noted as an effective conservation tool by numerous groups and organizations. The Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy (ARC) states that it recognizes the need to increase awareness, appreciation, and understanding of amphibians, reptiles and their habitats, which can then enhance conservation actions and stewardship practices. The Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust also proclaims that education is one of the most important tools in the long-term conservation of amphibians and reptiles. By raising awareness, enhancing knowledge and encouraging people to take action, real steps can be made towards conserving amphibian and reptile species.

This is why I am committed to educating the public on the plight of frogs!

Save All Frogs - Matt Ellerbeck


Salamander from the Rainforest painted on Catch Basin

Update from the corner of Bleecker Street and Central Avenue in Jersey City Heights!


Jersey City’s adopt a catch basin program is thriving! It’s very simple. Sign up to take care of a catch basin (storm drain) and the City of Jersey City will assign an artist to paint something original for you. It’s a win-win situation! The city receives help from the public to keep these drains clear of garbage and snow/ice in the winter and we get beautiful artwork that passers by admire. In addition, because they are of an environmental nature, it helps remind the public to keep the streets clean.

Swati Rastogi and Susan Newman salamander catch basin jersey city heights

Last year I noticed a beautiful artwork done by artist Swati Rastogi and requested her as the artist for my second corner (opposite last year’s frog). I was so excited when she contacted me this week because it was time for her to paint the corner.

Here’s what Swati wrote about this project:

“I never knew what a Salamander was until I was asked by the city to paint one at the corner of Central Avenue & Bleecker Street in Jersey City.

Susan Newman who adopted this catch basin has proudly named it “Biodiversity Matters” and is actively letting the residents know about the program.

Honestly this “adopt a catch basin” campaign is making the city much more vibrant and creating awareness for how important it is to keep the sewers clean.

Thank you for choosing me as your artist!.”

– Swati Rastogi


I wrote about this program last year in greater detail, so check out the article about the program and why it’s so important.

Adopt a Catch Basin Frog Art


Protecting Amphibians Through Correct Silvicultural Practices

Recent findings indicate that frogs could be going the way of the dinosaurs. Studies by scientists from the US Geological Survey (USGS) depicted that the number of amphibians is shrinking by an average rate of 3.7% yearly. Despite environmentalists championing for the protection of frogs, hosting amphibian themed art exhibitions and releasing publications to educate, among many other efforts, there is still a significant decline in the number of amphibians, especially frogs. Blame pollution, diseases, climate change and more importantly incessant deforestation.

Protecting amphibians and frogs through the correct silvicultural activities in forests helps in ensuring their continuity. While tree harvesting is essential for electricity poles, fuel, the paper industry, and construction, it should not be done in a way that it leads to the loss of amphibian habitats.

Photo by Stefan Steinbauer on Unsplash

The Right Pruning Tools

In forest activities such as pruning, trimming, and the harvesting of firewood, chainsaws are preferably the best tools. Why? Unlike harvesters which fell many trees at a time, chainsaws cut down one tree at a time. This ensures animal habitats are not destroyed during the operation and that seedlings and saplings are protected. These machines are portable making pruning among other activities in various locations easier.

While chainsaws come in different sizes, small chainsaws are preferably the best, especially chainsaws powered by a lithium-Ion battery. These particular type of chainsaws are eco-friendly since they don’t release noxious fumes into the atmosphere when pruning or trimming trees. Furthermore, they don’t cause noise pollution and can be operated easily since they are not heavy. However, when operating a chainsaw it is very important to have the knowledge on how to operate one safely. Other brilliant tools you can use when pruning a tree post include loppers and pole pruners.

Correct Pruning

Pruning is done to remove any overgrown tree branches, stems, and any deformed tree parts. When pruning is done in the correct manner it results in high-quality timber which directly reflects on value and price. Correct pruning, according to A-Absolute Tree Services, involves making sure that a third of the living branches are left after pruning. Right timing on when to prune is critical especially if the area to be pruned is a wildlife shelter. Furthermore, it should be done in a proper way such that the game cover is not destroyed.

Recommended Pruning Techniques

Target pruning is one the best methods of pruning, as stated by Research Gate, since one is able to leave tree parts intact and minimize bole’s tissue damage. Canopy pruning is another recommended pruning technique as it enables light penetration. This allows for the growth of grasses and other plants and this encourages survival of amphibians and frogs. During pruning, the windward side should be taken into consideration as amphibians especially frogs which breathe through their skin, could be easily affected by debris-carrying wind.

Utility Poles

In the United States, most utility poles are made of wood, despite the emergence of steel utility poles. This is because wood is a good insulator and is relatively cheap due to the high availability of trees. Among the trees popularly used are red cedars, Southern yellow pines, and Western yellow pines as they produce straight poles. Poles are selected while still standing in the forest, then the felling process begins.

Most of the times the right procedures and techniques are not used in this process. Unfortunately, flush cutting is observed on pruned trees that are meant for utility poles. Tree topping is also another wrong technique that not only gives an ugly view of the forest but also, has zero considerations for potential wildlife habitats. If the right equipment is not used, the forest environment could be adversely affected. This is why knowledge on the right way of pruning and harvesting trees is key, especially with the high demand for poles and timber.

Amphibians and reptiles make the environment greener. They help in natural pest control and act as food for other wildlife. The contribution of frogs to modern medicine is another reason why frogs are so important. With the above-given statistics, it is evident that more needs to be done in order to care of and protect them. Proper environmental care, especially in the forest, and curbing pollution will go a long way in preserving these species for generations to come.

Written and researched by Jennifer Dawson