
Winners of the Kids Art Contest 2024, Protect Coral Reefs

Announcing the winners of the 15th annual international kids art contest (2024) hosted by Frogs Are Green. Thank you to all the students who participated, helping us showcase what children are thinking and learning about. We received a total of 533 artworks from over 30 countries.

There was incredible variety in the materials used as well as subject matter. The galleries show very thoughtful images about this year’s theme: Protect Coral Reefs.

Below we showcase the winners in the age groups (3-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13-18.) By February 15th, we will add more galleries for the sub-categories, such as: best environmental art; best black and white art; best 3D art, etc.

A big thank you to the judges for this year who had a difficult job in choosing from so many wonderful pieces. Diane Lingenfelter, Debra Olshever, Tina Maneca, Andy Levine, Peter Thorpe, Jerome China, Amy Neufeld and Steve Szynal.

Here is the original contest page which has the links to the 4 Flickr galleries of all the children’s art submitted and more information about this year’s theme (Protect Coral Reefs), such as videos to watch. You can also read more about the judges.

Protect Coral Reefs – Kids Art Contest 2024

Winners – Age Group 3-6

1st Place, Xie Yangle, 6 years old, China, 2024

1st Place, Xie Yangle, 6 years old, China, 2024

2nd Place, Yoodam Jeoung, 5 years old, South Korea, 2024

2nd Place, Yoodam Jeoung, 5 years old, South Korea, 2024

3rd Place, Gaku Aomatsu, 6 years old, Japan, 2024

3rd Place, Gaku Aomatsu, 6 years old, Japan, 2024

Honorable Mention: Ahana Chatterjee, 6 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2024

Honorable Mention: Ahana Chatterjee, 6 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2024

Honorable Mention: Jayden Sam, 6 years old, Canada, 2024

Honorable Mention: Jayden Sam, 6 years old, Canada, 2024

1st-place-Xie Yangle, 6 years old, China-2024 thumbnail
2nd place-Yoodam Jeoung, 5 years old, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2024, Dreaming of a Happy Ocean for Dolphins thumbnail
3rd place-Gaku Aomatsu, 6 years old, Japan, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Ahana Chatterjee, 6 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Jayden Sam, 6 years old, Canada, 2024 thumbnail

1st Place – Xie Yangle, 6 years old, China

2nd Place – Yoodam Jeoung, 5 years old, South Korea

3rd Place – Gaku Aomatsu, 6 years old, Japan

Honorable Mention:

Ahana Chatterjee, 6 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Jayden Sam, 6 years old, Canada

Winners – Age Group 7-9

1st Place, Henry Kim, 8 years old, South Korea, 2024

1st Place, Henry Kim, 8 years old, South Korea, 2024

2nd Place, Hyun Seo-Lee, 9 years old, South Korea, 2024

2nd Place, Hyun Seo-Lee, 9 years old, South Korea, 2024

3rd Place, Chen Zitong, 7 years old, China, 2024

3rd Place, Chen Zitong, 7 years old, China, 2024

Honorable Mention: Abhay Pahwa, 8 years old, San Jose, CA, USA 2024

Honorable Mention: Abhay Pahwa, 8 years old, San Jose, CA, USA 2024

Honorable Mention: Maneeman Sae-Tae, 7 years old, Thailand, 2024

Honorable Mention: Maneeman Sae-Tae, 7 years old, Thailand, 2024

Honorable Mention: Roy Wu, 9 years old, UK, 2024

Honorable Mention: Roy Wu, 9 years old, UK, 2024

1st-Place-Henry Kim, 8 years old, Seoul, South Korea, 2024 thumbnail
2nd-Place-Hyun-Seo-Lee, 9 years old, Seoul, Korea, 2024 thumbnail
3rd-Place-Chen Zitong, 7 years old, China, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Abhay Pahwa, 8 years old, San Jose, CA, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Maneeman Sae-Tae, 7 years old, Thailand, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Roy Wu, 9 years old, UK, 2024 thumbnail

1st Place – Henry Kim, 8 years old, South Korea

2nd Place – Hyun Sio-Lee, 9 years old, South Korea

3rd Place – Chen Zitong, 7 years old, China

Honorable Mention:

Abhay Pahwa, 8 years old, San Jose, CA, USA

Maneeman Sae-Tae, 7 years old, Thailand

Roy Wu, 9 years old, UK

Winners – Age Group 10-12

1st Place, Chatchayanich Worabut, 12 years old, Thailand 2024

1st Place, Chatchayanich Worabut, 12 years old, Thailand 2024

2nd Place, Bomin Lee, 10 years old, South Korea, 2024

2nd Place, Bomin Lee, 10 years old, South Korea, 2024

3rd Place, Justin Cho, 12 years old, California, USA, 2024, 3d art

3rd Place, Justin Cho, 12 years old, California, USA, 2024, 3d art

Honorable Mention, Rakrada Thammapimuk, 10 years old, Thailand, 2024

Honorable Mention, Rakrada Thammapimuk, 10 years old, Thailand, 2024

Honorable Mention, Tian Zitian, 11 years old, China, Coral Bleaching, 2024

Honorable Mention, Tian Zitian, 11 years old, China, Coral Bleaching, 2024

Honorable Mention, Ulia Fedorchuk, 12 years old, Ireland, 2024

Honorable Mention, Ulia Fedorchuk, 12 years old, Ireland, 2024

1st-place-Chatchayanich Worabut, 12 years old, Thailand, 2024 thumbnail
2nd-place-Bomin Lee, 10 years old, South Korea, 2024 thumbnail
3rd-place-Justin Cho, 12 years old, California, USA, 2024, 3d thumbnail
HM-Rakrada Thammapimuk, 10 years old, Thailand, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Tian Zitian, 11 years old, China, Coral Bleaching, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Ulia Fedorchuk, 12 years old, Ireland, 2024 thumbnail

1st Place – Chatchayanich Worabut, 12 years old, Thailand

2nd Place – Bomin Lee, 10 years old, South Korea

3rd Place – Justin Cho, 12 years old, California, USA

Honorable Mention:

Rakrada Thammapimuk, 10 years old, Thailand

Tian Zitian, 100 years old, China

Ulia Fedorchuk, 12 years old, Ireland

Winners – Age Group 13-18

1st Place, Melek Duru Erman, 15 years old, Turkey 2024

1st Place, Melek Duru Erman, 15 years old, Turkey 2024

2nd Place, Clara Shaw, 13 years old, Virginia, USA, 2024

2nd Place, Clara Shaw, 13 years old, Virginia, USA, 2024

3rd Place, Mya Reynolds, 16 years old, Florida, USA, 2024

3rd Place, Mya Reynolds, 16 years old, Florida, USA, 2024

Honorable Mention, Cagla Yetiskin, 15 years old, Turkey 2024

Honorable Mention, Cagla Yetiskin, 15 years old, Turkey 2024

Honorable Mention, Charlie Kim, 13 years old, South Korea 2024

Honorable Mention, Charlie Kim, 13 years old, South Korea 2024

Honorable Mention, Ju-Yen Chung, 14 years old, Taiwan 2024

Honorable Mention, Ju-Yen Chung, 14 years old, Taiwan 2024

Honorable Mention, Nikola Milenov Katsarski, 14 years old, Bulgaria 2024

Honorable Mention, Nikola Milenov Katsarski, 14 years old, Bulgaria 2024

1st Place-Melek Duru Erman, 15 years old, Turkey, 2024 thumbnail
2nd Place-Clara Shaw, 13 years old, Virginia, USA, 2024 thumbnail
3rd Place-Mya Reynolds, 16 years old, Florida, USA, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Cagla Yetiskin, 15 years old, Turkey, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Charlie Kim, 13 years old, South Korea, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Ju-Yen Chung, 14 years old, Taiwan, 2024 thumbnail
HM-Nikola Milenov Katsarski, 14 yrs old, Bulgaria, 2024, save the coral reefs, save the planet, art 2 thumbnail

1st Place, Melek Duru Erman, 15 years old, Turkey

2nd Place, Clara Shaw, 13 years old, Virginia, USA

3rd Place, Mya Reynolds, 16 years old, Florida, USA

Honorable Mention:

Cagla Yetiskin, 15 years old, Turkey

Charlie Kim, 13 years old, South Korea

Ju-Yen Chung, 14 years old, Taiwan

Nikola Milenov Katsarski, 14 years old, Bulgaria


Winners of the 2020 Kids Art Contest – A Healthy Planet Earth

Thank you all for your continued participation in our annual kids art contest. I know this past year was especially challenging for students, parents and teachers due to covid-19.

The response from around the world was as breathtaking as ever. We received nearly 1200 works of art. Some artworks brought smiles and thoughts of sunshine and rainbows, while others made us shed a tear with their expressiveness.

We are still tabulating the results for the secondary categories, which will be added soon, but to get things started here are the winners of the four age groups. 

Age Group 3-6

1st Place: Huang Tzu Chiao, 6 yrs old, Taiwan, China
2nd Place: Meepian Roopkaew, 6 years old, Thailand
3rd Place: Lacy Ann Marie Grubbs, 6 years old, Illinois, USA

Honorable Mentions:

Minangee Dasanya Kulathunga, 6 years old, Sri Lanka
Khoraphat Whalprib, 6 years old, Thailand
Qingsi Fan, 6 years old, China
Yeung Pak Hei Jacen, 4 years old, Hong Kong, China

Huang Tzu Chiao, 6 years old, Taiwan, 1st place winner 2020

Huang Tzu Chiao, 6 years old, Taiwan, 1st place winner 2020

Meepian Roopkaew, 6 years old, Thailand, 2nd place winner 2020

Meepian Roopkaew, 6 years old, Thailand, 2nd place winner 2020

Lacy Ann Marie Grubbs, 6 years old, Illinois, USA, 3rd place winner 2020

Lacy Ann Marie Grubbs, 6 years old, Illinois, USA, 3rd place winner 2020

Minangee Dasanya Kulathunga, 6 years old, Sri Lanka, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Minangee Dasanya Kulathunga, 6 years old, Sri Lanka, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Khoraphat Whaiprib, 6 years oldm Thailand, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Khoraphat Whaiprib, 6 years oldm Thailand, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Qingsi Fan, 6 years old, China, Amazing Aquarium, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Qingsi Fan, 6 years old, China, Amazing Aquarium, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Yeung Pak Hei Jacen, Hong Kong, 4 years old, winner 2020

Yeung Pak Hei Jacen, Hong Kong, 4 years old, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Huang Tzu Chiao, 6 years old, Taiwan, winner 2020 thumbnail
Meepian Roopkaew, age 6, Thailand, winner 2020 thumbnail
Lacy Ann Marie Grubbs, 6- years old, Illinois, USA Winner 2020 thumbnail
Minangee Dasanya Kulathunga, 6 years old, Sri Lanka, FRG winner 2020 thumbnail
Khoraphat Whaiprib, age6, Thailand, winner, 2020 thumbnail
Qingsi Fan, 6, China, Amazing Aquarium, winner 2020 thumbnail
YEUNG Pak Hei Jacen - Hong Kong - 4 years old, winner 2020 thumbnail

Age Group 7-9

1st Place: Huang Cheng Hsuan, 8 years old, Taiwan, China
2nd Place: Hsien Ching Chen, 9 years old, Taiwan,China
3rd Place: Ithiya Oophaichit, 9 years old, Thailand

Honorable Mentions:

Yuda Hou, 9 years old, China
Wu Yu Hsuan, 9 years old, Taiwan, China
Preksha Utekar, 8 years old, Ireland
Marina Milenova, Katzarska, 9 years old, Bulgaria
Lucy Chen, 9 years old, China

Huang Cheng Hsuan, 8 years old, Taiwan, China, Tree House, 1st Place winner 2020

Huang Cheng Hsuan, 8 years old, Taiwan, China, Tree House, 1st Place winner 2020

Hsieh Ching Chen, 9 years old, Taiwan, China, Transform, 2nd Place winner 2020

Hsieh Ching Chen, 9 years old, Taiwan, China, Transform, 2nd Place winner 2020

Ithiya Oophaichit, 9 years old, Thailand, 3rd Place winner 2020

Ithiya Oophaichit, 9 years old, Thailand, 3rd Place winner 2020

Yuda Hou, 9 years old, China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Yuda Hou, 9 years old, China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Wu Yu Hsuan, 9 years old, Taiwan, China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Wu Yu Hsuan, 9 years old, Taiwan, China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Preksha Utekar, 8 years, Ireland, Solution to Pollution, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Preksha Utekar, 8 years, Ireland, Solution to Pollution, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Marina Milenova Katzarska, 9 years old, Bulgaria, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Marina Milenova Katzarska, 9 years old, Bulgaria, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Lucy Chen, 9 years old, China, scales of nature, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Lucy Chen, 9 years old, China, scales of nature, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Huang Cheng Hsuan, 8 years old, Taiwan, Tree House, winner 2020 thumbnail
Hsieh Ching Chen, 9 years old, Taiwan, Transform, winner 2020 thumbnail
Ithiya Oophaichit, age9, Thailand, winner 2020 thumbnail
162. Yuda Hou, 9, China, Whale falls, winner 2020 thumbnail
Wu Yu Hsuan, 9 years old, Taiwan, winner 2020 thumbnail
Preksha Utekar, 8 years, Ireland, Solution to Pollution, winner 2020 thumbnail
MARINA MILENOVA KATZARSKA, 9 years old, Bulgaria-winner 2020 thumbnail
Lucy Chen,9, China, Scales of nature, winner 2020 thumbnail

Age Group 10-12

1st Place: Clara Jieun Choi, 11 years old, CA, USA
2nd Place: Petya Dobromirova Dimitrova, 10 years old, Bulgaria
3rd Place: Chen Li Chih, 12 years old, Taiwan, China

Honorable Mentions:

Chen Liang Ling, 11 years old, Taiwan, China
Eva Averin, 11 years old, USA
Shuo Chen, 11 years old, China
Milani Kenneth, 11 years old, USA
Fong Po Pui, 12 years old, Hong Kong, China
Zhuoran Zhang, 10 years old, China
Parthi Jain, 12 years old, Bahrain
Nethra Chari, 12 years old, USA

Clara Jieun Choi, 11 years old, CA, USA, 1st Place winner 2020

Clara Jieun Choi, 11 years old, CA, USA, 1st Place winner 2020

Petya Dobromirova Dimitrova, 10 years old, Bulgaria, 2nd Place winner 2020

Petya Dobromirova Dimitrova, 10 years old, Bulgaria, 2nd Place winner 2020

Chen Li Chih, 12 years old, Taiwan, China, Noah's Ark in the future, 3rd Place winner 2020

Chen Li Chih, 12 years old, Taiwan, China, Noah's Ark in the future, 3rd Place winner 2020

Chen Liang Ling, 11 years old, Taiwan,China, A stroke of genius, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Chen Liang Ling, 11 years old, Taiwan,China, A stroke of genius, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Eva Averin, 11 years old, USA, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Eva Averin, 11 years old, USA, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Shuo Chen, 11 years old, China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Shuo Chen, 11 years old, China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Milani Kenneth, 11 years old, USA, Treasure of the Ocean, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Milani Kenneth, 11 years old, USA, Treasure of the Ocean, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Fong Po Pui, 12 years old, Hong Kong, China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Fong Po Pui, 12 years old, Hong Kong, China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Zhuoran Zhang, 10 years old, China, polar bear's little wish, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Zhuoran Zhang, 10 years old, China, polar bear's little wish, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Parthi Jain, 12 years old, Bahrain, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Parthi Jain, 12 years old, Bahrain, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Nethra Chari, 12 years old, USA, poison dart frog, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Nethra Chari, 12 years old, USA, poison dart frog, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Clara Jieun Choi, 11 years old, CA, USA, winner 2020 thumbnail
Petya Dobromirova Dimitrova, 10,Bulgaria, winner 2020 thumbnail
Chen Li Chih, 12 years old, Taiwan, Noah's Ark in the future, winner 2020 thumbnail
Chen Liang Ling, 11 years old, Taiwan, A stroke of genius, winner 2020 thumbnail
Eva Averin, 11, USA, winner 2020 thumbnail
Shuo Chen, 11, China, Whale, winner 2020 thumbnail
Milani Kenneth, age 11, United States, Treasure the Ocean, winner 2020 thumbnail
Fong Po Pui, 12yrs, Hong Kong, winner 2020 thumbnail
Zhuoran Zhang, 10, China, Polar bear's little wish, winner 2020 thumbnail
Parthi jain, 12 years old, Bahrain, winner 2020 thumbnail
Nethra Chari, age 12, USA, Poison dart frog, winner 2020 thumbnail

Age Group 13-17

1st Place: Ximing Luo, 15 years old, USA
2nd Place: Weerawat Buplub, 14 years old, Thailand
3rd Place: Li Pin-Rung, 16 years old, Taiwan, China

Honorable Mentions:

Hou Wen Shin, 14 years old, Taiwan, China
Wu Ruo Qun, 13 years old, Taiwan, China
Riya Jain, 17 years old, India
Ming Xian Zhu, 16 years old, China
Fay Davis, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Yincheng Qian, 13 years old, USA
Phat Nguyen, 16 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Tanvi Gadre, 16 years old, India

Ximing Luo, 15 years old, USA, 1st Place Winner 2020

Ximing Luo, 15 years old, USA, 1st Place Winner 2020

Weerawat Buplub, 14 years old, Thailand, Born to be Nature, 2nd Place Winner 2020

Weerawat Buplub, 14 years old, Thailand, Born to be Nature, 2nd Place Winner 2020

Li Pin-Rung, 16 years old, Taiwan, China, The Beauty of Nature, 3rd Place Winner 2020

Li Pin-Rung, 16 years old, Taiwan, China, The Beauty of Nature, 3rd Place Winner 2020

Hou Wen Shin, 14 years old, Taiwan,China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Hou Wen Shin, 14 years old, Taiwan,China, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Wu Ruo Qun, 13 years old, Taiwan, China, Last Party, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Wu Ruo Qun, 13 years old, Taiwan, China, Last Party, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Riya Jain, 17 years old, India, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Riya Jain, 17 years old, India, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Mingxian Zhu, 16 years old, China, Collapse, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Mingxian Zhu, 16 years old, China, Collapse, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Fay Davis, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Fay Davis, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Yincheng Qian, 13 years old, USA, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Yincheng Qian, 13 years old, USA, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Phat Nguyen, 16 years old, Jersey City, NJ USA, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Phat Nguyen, 16 years old, Jersey City, NJ USA, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Tanvi Gadre, 16 years old, Mumbai, India, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Tanvi Gadre, 16 years old, Mumbai, India, Honorable Mention winner 2020

Ximing Luo, 15 years old, USA, winner 2020 thumbnail
Weerawat Buplub,14 Years old,Thailand, Born to be nature, 2winner 2020 thumbnail
Li Pin-Rung,16 years,Taiwan, the beauty of nature, winner 2020 thumbnail
Hou Wen Shin, 14 years old, Taiwan, winner 2020 thumbnail
Wu Ruo Qun, 13 years old, Taiwan, Last Party, winner 2020 thumbnail
Riya Jain, 17, India, Wear Mask Painting, winner 2020 thumbnail
Mingxian Zhu, 16, China, Collapse, winner 2020 thumbnail
Fay Davis, 13 years old, bw covid 19 mask, winner 2020 thumbnail
Yincheng Qian, 13 years old, United States, winner 2020 thumbnail
Phat Nguyen 16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, winner 2020 thumbnail
Tanvi Gadre, 16 yrs old, Mumbai, India, winner 2020 thumbnail

Below are the winners in the sub-categories:

Best Environmental Message

1st Place: Fay Davis, 13 years old, New Jersey, USA
2nd Place: Riya Jain, 17 years old, India
3rd Place: Wu Yu Hsuan, 9 years old, Taiwan, China

Honorable Mentions:

Lucy Chen, 9 years old, China
Monojit Maity, 10 years old, India
Defne Ozdemir, 10 years old, Turkey
Cora Kerr, 11 years old, New Jersey, USA
Adonia Ashline, 8 years old, India
Chan Po Chi, Angelo, 7 years old, Hong Kong, China
Sanvi Khandewal, 10 years old, USA

1st Place - Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best environmental message 2020

1st Place - Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best environmental message 2020

2nd Place - Riya Jain, 17 yrs, India-best environmental message 2020

2nd Place - Riya Jain, 17 yrs, India-best environmental message 2020

3rd Place - Wu Yu Hsuan, 9 years old, Taiwan, best environmetal message 2020

3rd Place - Wu Yu Hsuan, 9 years old, Taiwan, best environmetal message 2020

Lucy Chen, 9 years old, China, scales of nature, best environmental message 2020

Lucy Chen, 9 years old, China, scales of nature, best environmental message 2020

Monojit Maity, 10 years old, India, best environmental message 2020

Monojit Maity, 10 years old, India, best environmental message 2020

Defne Ozdemir, 10 years old, Turkey, Best environmental message 2020

Defne Ozdemir, 10 years old, Turkey, Best environmental message 2020

Cora Kerr, 11 years old, NJ, USA, best environmental message 2020

Cora Kerr, 11 years old, NJ, USA, best environmental message 2020

ADONIA ASHLINE, 8 yrs, India, keep our seas free from plastic, best environmental message 2020

ADONIA ASHLINE, 8 yrs, India, keep our seas free from plastic, best environmental message 2020


CHAN PO CHI, ANGELO_AGED 7_HONG KONG_CHINA, best environmental message 2020

Sanvi Khandelwal, 10 years old, USA, best enviro 2020

Sanvi Khandelwal, 10 years old, USA, best environmental message 2020

1st Place - Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best enviro 2020 thumbnail
2nd Place - Riya Jain, 17 yrs, India-best enviro 2020 thumbnail
3rd Place - Wu Yu Hsuan, 9 years old, Taiwan, best enviro 2020 thumbnail
Lucy Chen,9, China, Scales of nature, best enviro 2020 thumbnail
Monojit Maity, 10 years old, India, best enviro 2020 thumbnail
Cora Kerr, 11 years old, NJ, USA, best enviro 2020 thumbnail
ADONIA ASHLINE, 8 yrs, India, keep our seas free from plastic, best enviro 2020 thumbnail
24_CHAN PO CHI, ANGELO_AGED 7_HONG KONG_CHINA, best enviro 2020 thumbnail
Sanvi Khandelwal, 10 years old, USA, best enviro 2020 thumbnail

Best 3D Artwork

1st Place: Avalon Fancourt, 8th grade, Nevada, USA
2nd Place: Gayeong Song, 13 years old, California, USA
3rd Place: Cade Jenkins, 8 years old, Nevada, USA

Honorable Mentions:

Madeleine J. Lee, 12 years old, California, USA
Preksha Utekar, 8 years old, Ireland
Yufei Song, 8 years old, China
Om Shewale, 4 years old, Kuwait

1st Place - Avalon Fancourt, 8th grade, Nevada, USA, best 3d 2020

1st Place - Avalon Fancourt, 8th grade, Nevada, USA, best 3d 2020

2nd Place - Gayeong Song, 13 years old, CA, USA, best 3d art 2020

2nd Place - Gayeong Song, 13 years old, CA, USA, best 3d art 2020

3rd Place - Cade Jenkins, 8 years old, Nevada, USA, Best 3D 2020, Being healthy to fight against Covid-19

3rd Place - Cade Jenkins, 8 years old, Nevada, USA, Best 3D 2020, Being healthy to fight against Covid-19

Madeleine J. Lee,12 years old, CA, USA, Best 3d 2020

Madeleine J. Lee,12 years old, CA, USA, Best 3d 2020

Preksha Utekar, 8 years old, Ireland, best 3d 2020

Preksha Utekar, 8 years old, Ireland, best 3d 2020

Yufei Song, 8 years old, China, Tree of life, best 3d 2020

Yufei Song, 8 years old, China, Tree of life, best 3d 2020

Om Shewale, 4 years old, Kuwait, best 3d 2020

Om Shewale, 4 years old, Kuwait, best 3d 2020

1st Place - Avalon Fancourt, 8th grade, Nevada, USA, best 3d 2020 thumbnail
2nd Place - Gayeong Song, 13 years old, CA, USA, best 3d art 2020 thumbnail
3rd Place - Cade Jenkins, 8 years old, Nevada, USA, Best 3D 2020, Being healthy to fight against Covid-19 thumbnail
Madeleine J. Lee,12 years old, CA, USA, Best 3d 2020 thumbnail
Preksha Utekar, 8 years old, Ireland, best 3d 2020 thumbnail
Yufei Song, 8 years old, China, Tree of life, best 3d 2020 thumbnail
Om Shewale, 4 years old, Kuwait, best 3d 2020 thumbnail

Best Black and White Artwork

1st Place: Fay Davis, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
2nd Place: Hiranyika Aphithranang, 12 years old, Thailand
3rd Place: Lee-ann Del Valle, 16, years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Honorable Mentions:

Alona Novika, 8 years old, Latvia
Adel Ishak, 16 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Parv Jain, 13 years old, India

1st Place - Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best Black and White art 2020

1st Place - Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best Black and White art 2020

2nd Place - Hiranyika Aphithanang,12 years old, Thailand, best Black and White art 2020

2nd Place - Hiranyika Aphithanang,12 years old, Thailand, best Black and White art 2020

3rd Place - Lee-ann Del Valle, 16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, Nj, USA, best Black and White art 2020

3rd Place - Lee-ann Del Valle, 16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, Nj, USA, best Black and White art 2020

Alona Novika, 8 years old, Latvia, Best Black and White art 2020

Alona Novika, 8 years old, Latvia, Best Black and White art 2020

Adel Ishak, 16 LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best Black and White art 2020

Adel Ishak, 16 LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best Black and White art 2020

Parv Jain, 13 years, India, best Black and White art 2020

Parv Jain, 13 years, India, best Black and White art 2020

1st Place - Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best BW 2020 thumbnail
2nd Place - Hiranyika Aphithanang,12 years old, Thailand, best BW 2020 thumbnail
3rd Place - Lee-ann Del Valle, 16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, Nj, USA, best BW 2020 thumbnail
Alona Novika, 8 years old, Latvia, Best BW 2020 thumbnail
Adel Ishak, 16 LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best BW 2020 thumbnail
Parv Jain, 13 years, India, best BW 2020 thumbnail

Best Artwork from Jersey City

1st Place: Phat Nguyen, 16 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
2nd Place: Fay Davis, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
3rd Place: Briana Roman, 16 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Honorable Mentions:
Eryn Hodges, 15 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Siddhi Jain, 8 years old, Jersey City,NJ, USA
Sheleeza Haniff, 17 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Salma Osman, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Maximus Powers, 17 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

1st Place, Phat Nguyen 16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best Jersey City 2020

1st Place, Phat Nguyen 16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best Jersey City 2020

2nd place, Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best Jersey City 2020

2nd place, Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best Jersey City 2020

3rd Place, Briana Roman,16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best jersey city 2020

3rd Place, Briana Roman,16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best jersey city 2020

Eryn Hodges, 15, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best JC 2020

Eryn Hodges, 15, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best JC 2020

Siddhi Jain, 8 yrs old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best Jersey city 2020

Siddhi Jain, 8 yrs old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best Jersey city 2020

Sheleeza Haniff, 17 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best jersey city 2020

Sheleeza Haniff, 17 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best jersey city 2020

Salma Osman_13_USA, Jersey City, NJ, best JC 2020

Salma Osman_13_USA, Jersey City, NJ, best JC 2020

Maximus Powers, 17, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, Nj, USA, best JC 2020

Maximus Powers, 17, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, Nj, USA, best JC 2020

1st Place-Phat Nguyen 16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best Jersey City 2020 thumbnail
2nd place-Fay Davis, 13 yrs old, NJ, USA, best Jersey City 2020 thumbnail
3rd Place-Briana Roman,16, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best jersey city 2020 thumbnail
Eryn Hodges, 15, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, NJ, USA, best JC 2020 thumbnail
Siddhi-Jain-8-yrs-old-Jersey-City-NJ-USA-2020, best JC 2020 thumbnail
Sheleeza_Haniff_17-USA, Jersey City, NJ, best jersey city 2020 thumbnail
Salma Osman_13_USA, Jersey City, NJ, best JC 2020 thumbnail
Maximus Powers, 17, LIBERTY HS, Jersey City, Nj, USA, best JC 2020 thumbnail

Best Artwork from the United States of America

1st Place: Fay Davis, 13 years old, USA
2nd Place: Ximing Luo, 15 years old, Maryland, USA
3rd Place: Clara Jieun Choi, 11 years old, California, USA

Honorable Mentions:

Anna Nunez-Molina, 13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Aditi Ganguli, 11 years old, USA
Siddhi Jain, 8 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Royal Lin Lawson, 5 years old, USA
Madeleine J. Lee, 12 years old, USA
Gayeong Song, 13 years old, California, USA
Avalon Fancourt, 8th grade, Nevada, USA

1st place - Fay Davis, 13 years old, bw covid 19 mask, winner best usa 2020

1st place - Fay Davis, 13 years old, bw covid 19 mask, winner best usa 2020

2nd place - Ximing Luo, 15 years old, Maryland, best of USA 2020

2nd place - Ximing Luo, 15 years old, Maryland, best of USA 2020

3rd place - Clara Jieun Choi, 11 years old, CA, best art of USA 2020

3rd place - Clara Jieun Choi, 11 years old, CA, best art of USA 2020

Anna Nunez-Molina,13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, best of USA 2020

Anna Nunez-Molina,13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, best of USA 2020

Aditi Ganguli, 11 years old, Best of USA 2020

Aditi Ganguli, 11 years old, Best of USA 2020

Siddhi-Jain-8-yrs-old-Jersey-City-NJ-USA-2020, best of usa 2020

Siddhi-Jain-8-yrs-old-Jersey-City-NJ-USA-2020, best of usa 2020

Royal Lin Lawson, 5 years old, USA, Earth past and present, best of USA 2020

Royal Lin Lawson, 5 years old, USA, Earth past and present, best of USA 2020

Madeleine J. Lee,12 years old, CA, USA, Best of USA 2020

Madeleine J. Lee,12 years old, CA, USA, Best of USA 2020

Gayeong Song, 13 years old, CA, USA, best of USA 2020

Gayeong Song, 13 years old, CA, USA, best of USA 2020

Avalon Fancourt, 8th grade, Nevada, USA, best of USA 2020

Avalon Fancourt, 8th grade, Nevada, USA, best of USA 2020

1st place - Fay Davis, 13 years old, bw covid 19 mask, winner best usa 2020 thumbnail
2nd place - Ximing Luo, 15 years old, Maryland, best of USA 2020 thumbnail
3rd place - Clara Jieun Choi, 11 years old, CA, best art of USA 2020 thumbnail
Anna Nunez-Molina,13 years old, Jersey City, NJ, best of USA 2020 thumbnail
Aditi Ganguli, 11 years old, Best of USA 2020 thumbnail
Siddhi-Jain-8-yrs-old-Jersey-City-NJ-USA-2020, best of usa 2020 thumbnail
Royal Lin Lawson, 5 years old, USA, Earth past and present, best of USA 2020 thumbnail
Madeleine J. Lee,12 years old, CA, USA, Best of USA 2020 thumbnail
Gayeong Song, 13 years old, CA, USA, best of USA 2020 thumbnail
Avalon Fancourt, 8th grade, Nevada, USA, best of USA 2020 thumbnail

Best artwork from Turkey

1st Place: Iris Sanliturk, 9 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020
2nd Place: Yeliz Caglayan, 11 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020
3rd Place: Ipek Aygun, 7 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

Honorable Mentions:

Elif Beren Calgici, 12 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020
Defne Ozdemir, 10 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020
Ayselnur Akar, 11 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020
Aymeric Turkyener, 14 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020
Zeynep Yanmaz, 14 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020 

1st Place - Iris Sanliturk, 9 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

1st Place - Iris Sanliturk, 9 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

2nd Place - Yeliz Caglayan, 11 years old, best art from Turkey 2020

2nd Place - Yeliz Caglayan, 11 years old, best art from Turkey 2020

3rd Place - Ipek Aygun, 7 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

3rd Place - Ipek Aygun, 7 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

Elif Beren Çalğıcı, 12 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

Elif Beren Çalğıcı, 12 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

Defne Özdemir, 10 years old, best from Turkey 2020

Defne Özdemir, 10 years old, best from Turkey 2020

Ayselnur Akar, 11 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

Ayselnur Akar, 11 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

Aymeric Turkyener, 14 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

Aymeric Turkyener, 14 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020

Zeynep Yanmaz, 14 years old, Best from Turkey 2020

Zeynep Yanmaz, 14 years old, Best from Turkey 2020

1st Place - Iris Sanliturk, 9 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020 thumbnail
2nd Place - Yeliz Caglayan, 11 years old, best art from Turkey 2020 thumbnail
3rd Place - Ipek Aygun, 7 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020 thumbnail
Elif Beren Çalğıcı, 12 years old, Best art fromTurkey 2020 thumbnail
Defne Özdemir, 10 years old, best from Turkey 2020 thumbnail
Ayselnur Akar, 11 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020 thumbnail
Aymeric Turkyener, 14 years old, Best art from Turkey 2020 thumbnail
Zeynep Yanmaz, 14 years old, Best from Turkey 2020 thumbnail

Best art from China 2020

1st Place: Mingxian Zhu, 16 years old, Best art from China 2020
2nd Place: Suen Pui In, Kali, 17 years old, Best art from China 2020
3rd Place: Zhuran Zhang, 10 years old, Best art from China 2020

Honorable Mentions:

Shuo Chen, 11 years old, Best art from China 2020
Qingsi Fan, 6 years old, Best art from China 2020
Mingzhen Li, 15 years old, Best art from China 2020
Lucy Chen, 9 years old, Best art from China 2020
Fong Po Pui, 12 years old, Best art from China 2020
Jingxuan Liu, 10 years old, Best art from China 2020
Tianyun Sun, 12 years old, Best art from China 2020

1st Place - Mingxian Zhu, 16, China, Collapse, best art from china 2020

1st Place - Mingxian Zhu, 16, China, Collapse, best art from china 2020

2nd Place - Suen Pui In, Kali, 17 yrs, Hong Kong, China, best art from china 2020

2nd Place - Suen Pui In, Kali, 17 yrs, Hong Kong, China, best art from china 2020

3rd Place - Zhuoran Zhang, 10 yrs, China, Polar bear's little wish, best art from China 2020

3rd Place - Zhuoran Zhang, 10 yrs, China, Polar bear's little wish, best art from China 2020

Shuo Chen, 11 years old, China, Whale, best art from China 2020

Shuo Chen, 11 years old, China, Whale, best art from China 2020

Qingsi Fan, 6 years old, China, Amazing Aquarium, best art from china 2020

Qingsi Fan, 6 years old, China, Amazing Aquarium, best art from china 2020

Mingzhen Li, 15 years old, China, Awakening, best art from China 2020

Mingzhen Li, 15 years old, China, Awakening, best art from China 2020

Lucy Chen, 9 yrs old, China, Scales of nature, best art from china 2020

Lucy Chen, 9 yrs old, China, Scales of nature, best art from china 2020

Fong Po Pui, 12 yrs, Hong Kong, best art from China 2020

Fong Po Pui, 12 yrs, Hong Kong, best art from China 2020

Jingxuan Liu, 10, China, Wipe up, best art from china 2020

Jingxuan Liu, 10, China, Wipe up, best art from china 2020

Tianyun Sun, 12, China, Survivor, best art from China 2020

Tianyun Sun, 12, China, Survivor, best art from China 2020

1st Place - Mingxian Zhu, 16, China, Collapse, best art from china 2020 thumbnail
2nd Place - Suen Pui In, Kali, 17 yrs, Hong Kong, China, best art from china 2020 thumbnail
3rd Place - Zhuoran Zhang, 10 yrs, China, Polar bear's little wish, best art from China 2020 thumbnail
Shuo Chen, 11, China, Whale, best art from China 2020 thumbnail
Qingsi Fan, 6, China, Amazing Aquarium, best art from china 2020 thumbnail
Mingzhen Li, 15, China, Awakening, best art from China 2020 thumbnail
Lucy Chen,9, China, Scales of nature, best art from china 2020 thumbnail
Fong Po Pui, 12 yrs, Hong Kong, best art from China 2020 thumbnail
Jingxuan Liu, 10, China, Wipe up, best art from china 2020 thumbnail
Tianyun Sun, 12, China, Survivor, best art from China 2020 thumbnail

Best art from India 2020

1st Place: Riya Jain, 17 years old, Best art from India 2020
2nd Place: Somdetta Dey, 11 years old, Best art from India 2020
3rd Place: Tanvi Gadre, 16 years old, Best art from India 2020

Honorable Mentions:

Joannah John, 5 years old, Best art from India 2020
Andria Ashline, 5 years old, Best art from Inida 2020
Hitesh Kumar Panda, 9 years old, Best art from India 2020
Adyaashree Rout, 7 years old, Best art from India 2020
Charvisree Nirujogi, 11 years old, Best art from India 2020

1st Place - Riya Jain, 17 yrs, India-best art from India 2020

1st Place - Riya Jain, 17 yrs, India-best art from India 2020

2nd Place - Somdetta Dey, 11 years old, best art from India 2020

2nd Place - Somdetta Dey, 11 years old, best art from India 2020

3rd Place - Tanvi Gadre, 16 yrs old, Mumbai, best art from India 2020

3rd Place - Tanvi Gadre, 16 yrs old, Mumbai, best art from India 2020

Joannah John, 5 years old, best art from India 2020

Joannah John, 5 years old, best art from India 2020

Andria Ashline, 5 years old, best art from India 2020

Andria Ashline, 5 years old, best art from India 2020

Hitesh Kumar Panda, 9 yrs old, best art from India 2020

Hitesh Kumar Panda, 9 yrs old, best art from India 2020

Adyaashree Rout, 7 years old, best art from India 2020

Adyaashree Rout, 7 years old, best art from India 2020

Charvisree Nirujogi, Age 11, best art from India 2020

Charvisree Nirujogi, Age 11, best art from India 2020

1st Place - Riya Jain, 17 yrs, India-best art from India 2020 thumbnail
2nd Place - Somdetta Dey, 11 years old, best art from India 2020 thumbnail
3rd Place - Tanvi Gadre, 16 yrs old, Mumbai, best art from India 2020 thumbnail
Joannah John, 5 years old, best art from India 2020 thumbnail
Andria Ashline, 5 years old, best art from India 2020 thumbnail
Hitesh Kumar Panda, 9 yrs old, best art from India 2020 thumbnail
Adyaashree Rout, 7 years old, best art from India 2020 thumbnail
Charvisree Nirujogi, Age 11, best art from India 2020 thumbnail


Winners of the 2019 Fire and Ice Kids Art Contest

Announcing the winners of the 2019 Fire and Ice Kids Art Contest hosted by Frogs Are Green. It was our 10th annual contest and we had a wonderful response from around the world and right here in the USA, from California to Florida, and Jersey City.

Thanks to our judges for 2019: Wendell Minor, Amy Elise de Jong, Jenna Firshein, Louis Aligo, Beverly D’Andrea and Mark Lerer.

Winners – Ages 3-6

1st place: NG Pak Hay Hayden, 5 years old, Hong Kong
2nd place: Chatchayanich Worabut, 6 years old, Thailand
3rd place: Mak Marcella Carissa, 4 years old, Hong Kong

Honorable Mentions:

Lai Wing Ka, 5 years old, Hong Kong
Or Hoi Man, Hailey, 4 years old, Hong Kong
Lui Yan Hei, Gloria, 4 years old, Hong Kong
Huang Tzu Chiao, 5 years old, Taiwan
Fong Shing Yan, Romeo, 4 years old, Hong Kong



2nd-Chatchayanich Worabut, age 6, Thailand, 2019

2nd-Chatchayanich Worabut, age 6, Thailand, 2019

3rd-MAK MARCELLA CARISSA -4yrs-Hong Kong,2019

3rd-MAK MARCELLA CARISSA -4yrs-Hong Kong,2019

LAI WING KA_5 yrs_Hong Kong, 2019

LAI WING KA_5 yrs_Hong Kong, 2019

Or Hoi Man, Hailey-4 yrs-Hong Kong-2019

Or Hoi Man, Hailey-4 yrs-Hong Kong-2019

Lui Yan Hei, Gloria-4 yrs-Hong Kong-2019

Lui Yan Hei, Gloria-4 yrs-Hong Kong-2019

Huang Tzu Chiao-5 years old-Taiwan,Industrial Forest, 2019

Huang Tzu Chiao-5 years old-Taiwan,Industrial Forest, 2019



1st-NG-Pak-Hay-Hayden-5-years-old-Hong-Kong-2019 thumbnail
2nd-Chatchayanich Worabut, age 6, Thailand, 2019 thumbnail
3rd-MAK MARCELLA CARISSA -4yrs-Hong Kong,2019 thumbnail
LAI WING KA_5 yrs_Hong Kong, 2019 thumbnail
Or Hoi Man, Hailey-4 yrs-Hong Kong-2019 thumbnail
Lui Yan Hei, Gloria-4 yrs-Hong Kong-2019 thumbnail
Huang Tzu Chiao-5 years old-Taiwan,Industrial Forest, 2019 thumbnail
Fong-Shing-Yan-Romeo-4-yrs-Hong-Kong-2019FRG thumbnail

Winners: Ages 7-9

1st place: Lucas Nam, 9 years old, California, USA
2nd place: Wimootta Aramsaengchan, 8 years old, Thailand
3rd place: Claire Chong, 9 years old, California, USA

Honorable Mentions:

Huang Tzu Wei, 8 years old, Taiwan
Grace Gao, 9 years old, USA
Duru Karadede, 9 years old, Turkey

1st-Lucas Nam, 9 years old, CA, USA, 2019

1st-Lucas Nam, 9 years old, CA, USA, 2019

2nd-Wimootta Aramsaengchan, age 8, Thailand, 2019

2nd-Wimootta Aramsaengchan, age 8, Thailand, 2019

3rd-Claire Chong, 9 years old, California, USA, 2019

3rd-Claire Chong, 9 years old, California, USA, 2019

Huang Tzu Wei_8 years old_Taiwan_Garbage forest, 2019

Huang Tzu Wei_8 years old_Taiwan_Garbage forest, 2019

Grace Gao_9 yrs_US, 2019

Grace Gao_9 yrs_US, 2019



1st-Lucas Nam, 9 years old, CA, USA, 2019 thumbnail
2nd-Wimootta Aramsaengchan, age 8, Thailand, 2019 thumbnail
3rd-Claire Chong, 9 years old, California, USA, 2019 thumbnail
Huang Tzu Wei_8 years old_Taiwan_Garbage forest, 2019 thumbnail
Grace Gao_9 yrs_US, 2019 thumbnail

Winners: Ages 10-12

1st place: Angela Kim, 11 years old, California, USA
2nd place: Viara Pencheva, 10 years old, Bulgaria
3rd place: Olivia Jung, 12 years old, Canada

Honorable Mentions:

Napatson Nurat, 12 years old, Thailand
Emelin Saldana-Montes, 11 years old, MS 40, New Jersey, USA
Destiny Garcia, 11 years old, MS 40, New Jersey, USA
Worth Lodriga, 10 years old, Philippines
Kate Yeaseo Jeong, 11 years old, California, USA

1st-Angela Kim, 11 years old, CA, USA, 2019

1st-Angela Kim, 11 years old, CA, USA, 2019

2nd-VIARA PENCHEVA_10 years old_BULGARIA, 2019

2nd-VIARA PENCHEVA_10 years old_BULGARIA, 2019

3rd-Olivia Jung, age 12, Canada, 2019

3rd-Olivia Jung, age 12, Canada, 2019

Napatson Nurat, 12 yrs old, Thailand, 2019

Napatson Nurat, 12 yrs old, Thailand, 2019

Emelin Saldana-Montes, 11 yrs, MS 40, United States, 2019

Emelin Saldana-Montes, 11 yrs, MS 40, United States, 2019

Destiny Garcia, 11 yrs, MS 40 United States, 2019

Destiny Garcia, 11 yrs, MS 40 United States, 2019

Worth-Lodriga-10-yrs-old-Philippines-lion, 2019

Worth-Lodriga-10-yrs-old-Philippines-lion, 2019

Kate Yeaseo Jeong,11 years old, CA, USA, 2019

Kate Yeaseo Jeong,11 years old, CA, USA, 2019

1st-Angela Kim, 11 years old, CA, USA, 2019 thumbnail
2nd-VIARA PENCHEVA_10 years old_BULGARIA, 2019 thumbnail
3rd-Olivia Jung, age 12, Canada, 2019 thumbnail
Napatson Nurat, 12 yrs old, Thailand, 2019 thumbnail
Emelin Saldana-Montes, 11 yrs, MS 40, United States, 2019 thumbnail
Destiny Garcia, 11 yrs, MS 40 United States, 2019 thumbnail
Worth-Lodriga-10-yrs-old-Philippines-lion, 2019 thumbnail
Kate Yeaseo Jeong,11 years old, CA, USA, 2019 thumbnail

Winners; Ages 13-17

1st place: Jude Atchley, 16 years old, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA
2nd place: Seohee Choi, 14 years old, California, USA
3rd place: Sujita Kongvach, 17 years old, Thailand

Honorable Mentions:

Amelia Stebbing, 17 years old, Florida, USA
Grace Thomas, 16 years old, USA
Ream Elkawaga, Age 16, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Ekansha Tabhane, 13 years old, USA

1st-A Frog's View, by Jude Atchley, Age 16, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2019

1st-A Frog's View, by Jude Atchley, Age 16, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2019

2nd-Seohee Choi, 14 years old, CA, USA, 2019

2nd-Seohee Choi, 14 years old, CA, USA, 2019

3rd-Sujita Kongvach, 17 yrs old, Thailand, 2019

3rd-Sujita Kongvach, 17 yrs old, Thailand, 2019

Amelia Stebbing, 17, Jensen Beach Florida, 2019

Amelia Stebbing, 17, Jensen Beach Florida, 2019

Grace Thomas, age 16, United States, 2019

Grace Thomas, age 16, United States, 2019

Bleeding Into Life By Ream Elkawaga, Age 16, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2019

Bleeding Into Life By Ream Elkawaga, Age 16, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2019

Ekansha Tabhane, Age 13, United States of America, 2019

Ekansha Tabhane, Age 13, United States of America, 2019

1st-A Frog's View, by Jude Atchley, Age 16, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2019 thumbnail
2nd-Seohee Choi, 14 years old, CA, USA, 2019 thumbnail
3rd-Sujita Kongvach, 17 yrs old, Thailand, 2019 thumbnail
Amelia Stebbing, 17, Jensen Beach Florida, 2019 thumbnail
Grace Thomas, age 16, United States, 2019 thumbnail
Bleeding Into Life By Ream Elkawaga, Age 16, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2019 thumbnail
Ekansha Tabhane, Age 13, Country United States of America, 2019 thumbnail

Winners of “Best Environmental Message 2019”

1st Place: Zhang Anwen, 6 years old, Hong Kong
2nd Place: Jude Atchley, 16 years old, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
3rd Place: Fong Yuk Chit, 8 years old, Hong Kong

Honorable Mentions:

Huang Tzu Chiao, 5 years old, Taiwan
Wirin Sukthongchalyakul,7 years old, Thailand
Chan Man Yee, 6 years old, Hong Kong
Kumud Pathak, 9 years old, USA
Jerrick Kamaraj, 11 years old, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Katha Patel, grade 12, Jersey City, NJ, USA

1st Place Winner Zhang Anwen, 6 years old, Hong Kong

1st Place Winner Zhang Anwen, 6 years old, Hong Kong

2nd Place Winner Jude Atchley, 16 years old, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA

2nd Place Winner Jude Atchley, 16 years old, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA "A Frog's View"

3rd Place Winner Fong Yuk Chit, 8 years old, Hong Kong

3rd Place Winner Fong Yuk Chit, 8 years old, Hong Kong

Huang Tzu Chiao, 5 years old, Taiwan,

Huang Tzu Chiao, 5 years old, Taiwan, "Industrial Forest"

Wirin Sukthongchaiyakul, 7 years old, Thailand

Wirin Sukthongchaiyakul, 7 years old, Thailand

Chan Man Yee, 6 years old, Hong Kong

Chan Man Yee, 6 years old, Hong Kong

Kumud Pathak, 9 years old, USA

Kumud Pathak, 9 years old, USA

Jerrick Kamaraj, 11 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Jerrick Kamaraj, 11 years old, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Katha Patel, grade 12, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Katha Patel, grade 12, Jersey City, NJ, USA

1st-Place-Zhang-Anwen-6-yrs-Hong-Kong-2019 thumbnail
2nd-Place-A Frog's View, by Jude Atchley, Age 16, McNair Academic High School, Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2019 thumbnail
3rd-Place-Fong-Yuk-Chit-8-yrs-Hong-Kong-2019 thumbnail
Huang Tzu Chiao-5 years old-Taiwan,Industrial Forest, 2019 thumbnail
Wirin Sukthongchaiyakul, age 7, Thailand-2019 thumbnail
Chan-Man-Yee-6-yrs-Hong-Kong-2019 thumbnail
Kumud Pathak, 9 years, USA-2019 thumbnail
Jerrick-Kamaraj-11-yrs-old-Jersey-City-NJ-USA-2019 thumbnail

Winners of “Best Black and White Artwork 2019”

1st Place: Setthasan Jirathanaprasert, 14 years old, Thailand
2nd Place: Hermes Tsai, 9 years old, USA
3rd Place: Kyeongwon Lee, 15 years old, USA

Honorable Mention:

Sunattra Kongrach, 15 years old, Thailand

1st place, Setthasan Jirathanaprasert, 14 years old, Thailand

1st place, Setthasan Jirathanaprasert, 14 years old, Thailand

2nd place, Hermes Tsai, 9 years old, California, USA

2nd place, Hermes Tsai, 9 years old, California, USA

3rd place, Kyeongwon Lee, 15 years old, California, USA, 2019

3rd place, Kyeongwon Lee, 15 years old, California, USA, 2019

Sunattra Kongvach, 15 yrs old, Thailand, 2019

Sunattra Kongvach, 15 yrs old, Thailand

1st-place-Setthasan-Jirathanaprasert-14-years-old-Thailand-2019 thumbnail
2nd-place-Hermes Tsai, 9 years old, California, USA, 2019 thumbnail
3rd-place-Kyeongwon Lee, 15 years old, California, USA-2019 thumbnail
Sunattra Kongvach, 15 yrs old, Thailand, 2019 thumbnail

Winners of “Best 3D Artwork 2019”

1st Place: Seohee Choi, 14 years old, California, USA
2nd Place: Kate Yeaseo Jeong, 11 years old, California, USA
3rd Place: Claire Chong, 9 years old, California, USA

Honorable Mentions:

Chloe Jin, 10 years old, California, USA
Kristina Danilenko, 7 years old, Russia, Siberia

1st place, Seohee Choi, 14 years old, CA, USA, 3D, 2019

1st place, Seohee Choi, 14 years old, CA, USA

2nd place, Kate Yeaseo Jeong, 11 years old, California, USA, 3D, 2019

2nd place, Kate Yeaseo Jeong, 11 years old, California, USA

3rd place, Claire Chong, 9 years old, California, USA, 3D, 2019

3rd place, Claire Chong, 9 years old, California, USA

Chloe Jin, 10 years old, California, USA, 3D, 2019

Chloe Jin, 10 years old, California, USA

Kristina Danilenko, 7 years old, Russia, Siberia, Novosibirsk city, 3D, 2019

Kristina Danilenko, 7 years old, Russia, Siberia, Novosibirsk City

1st-place-Seohee Choi, 14 years old, CA, USA-3D-2019 thumbnail
2nd-place-Kate Yeaseo Jeong, 11 years old, California, USA, 3D, 2019 thumbnail
3rd-place-Claire Chong, 9 years old, California, USA-3D-2019 thumbnail
Chloe Jin, 10 years old, California, USA, 3D, 2019 thumbnail
Kristina Danilenko, 7 years old, Russia, Siberia, Novosibirsk city, 3D, 2019 thumbnail

On the Brink of Extinction: Preserving the Frog Population in the State of New York

It is difficult to believe that such an adaptable species would ever be at risk of extinction. Many people attribute the decline in the frog population to climate change; however, wood frogs have proven to be adaptable in a variety of climates. Researchers have found that the wood frog population native to New York are capable of freezing themselves during the winter, stopping their hearts and all brain activity, only to thaw out in the spring and begin to search for food and a mate. Frogs can locate their food source virtually anywhere, but they always mate in water. Therefore, in order to attract frogs to your garden this spring, a small area with water such as a pond is a necessity.

Bullfrogs - Photo by Ken Goulding on Unsplash

Photo by Ken Goulding on Unsplash

Adaptation and Survival

Due in large part to the recommendation of Lili Winkelman, a fourth-grade student from Syracuse, the wood frog has been unofficially named as the State amphibian for New York. While the wood frog has shown an uncanny ability to adapt to its environment, according to the United States Geological Survey, many other species of frog are in a severe state of decline due to climate change, pesticides and disease. Welcoming frogs in to your garden can help to provide them with the safe and stable environment that they need in order to stabilize and rebuild their population.

How Frogs Help 

While you attract wood frogs to your garden, thereby helping to preserve and grow the frog population, they will help to preserve your garden. Frogs can be particularly helpful in a vegetable garden because they consume pests and insects. A single frog can consume up to 10,000 pests and insects in a single season. This can help preserve your garden naturally, while saving you money on pesticides. A natural and environmentally friendly space is particularly important to the survival of frogs because they breathe through their skin; therefore, pesticides are particularly toxic to them since they can be easily and unintentionally ingested.

Welcoming frogs in to your garden will not only help to grow their population locally, it will also help your garden grow naturally and economically. By building a small pond and shelter, you can help prevent the potential extinction of a species while helping your garden grow in a safe and natural environment, without the use of chemicals or pesticides.

Guest blog by Jennifer Dawson


Salamander from the Rainforest painted on Catch Basin

Update from the corner of Bleecker Street and Central Avenue in Jersey City Heights!


Jersey City’s adopt a catch basin program is thriving! It’s very simple. Sign up to take care of a catch basin (storm drain) and the City of Jersey City will assign an artist to paint something original for you. It’s a win-win situation! The city receives help from the public to keep these drains clear of garbage and snow/ice in the winter and we get beautiful artwork that passers by admire. In addition, because they are of an environmental nature, it helps remind the public to keep the streets clean.

Swati Rastogi and Susan Newman salamander catch basin jersey city heights

Last year I noticed a beautiful artwork done by artist Swati Rastogi and requested her as the artist for my second corner (opposite last year’s frog). I was so excited when she contacted me this week because it was time for her to paint the corner.

Here’s what Swati wrote about this project:

“I never knew what a Salamander was until I was asked by the city to paint one at the corner of Central Avenue & Bleecker Street in Jersey City.

Susan Newman who adopted this catch basin has proudly named it “Biodiversity Matters” and is actively letting the residents know about the program.

Honestly this “adopt a catch basin” campaign is making the city much more vibrant and creating awareness for how important it is to keep the sewers clean.

Thank you for choosing me as your artist!.”

– Swati Rastogi


I wrote about this program last year in greater detail, so check out the article about the program and why it’s so important.

Adopt a Catch Basin Frog Art


Protecting Amphibians Through Correct Silvicultural Practices

Recent findings indicate that frogs could be going the way of the dinosaurs. Studies by scientists from the US Geological Survey (USGS) depicted that the number of amphibians is shrinking by an average rate of 3.7% yearly. Despite environmentalists championing for the protection of frogs, hosting amphibian themed art exhibitions and releasing publications to educate, among many other efforts, there is still a significant decline in the number of amphibians, especially frogs. Blame pollution, diseases, climate change and more importantly incessant deforestation.

Protecting amphibians and frogs through the correct silvicultural activities in forests helps in ensuring their continuity. While tree harvesting is essential for electricity poles, fuel, the paper industry, and construction, it should not be done in a way that it leads to the loss of amphibian habitats.

Photo by Stefan Steinbauer on Unsplash

The Right Pruning Tools

In forest activities such as pruning, trimming, and the harvesting of firewood, chainsaws are preferably the best tools. Why? Unlike harvesters which fell many trees at a time, chainsaws cut down one tree at a time. This ensures animal habitats are not destroyed during the operation and that seedlings and saplings are protected. These machines are portable making pruning among other activities in various locations easier.

While chainsaws come in different sizes, small chainsaws are preferably the best, especially chainsaws powered by a lithium-Ion battery. These particular type of chainsaws are eco-friendly since they don’t release noxious fumes into the atmosphere when pruning or trimming trees. Furthermore, they don’t cause noise pollution and can be operated easily since they are not heavy. However, when operating a chainsaw it is very important to have the knowledge on how to operate one safely. Other brilliant tools you can use when pruning a tree post include loppers and pole pruners.

Correct Pruning

Pruning is done to remove any overgrown tree branches, stems, and any deformed tree parts. When pruning is done in the correct manner it results in high-quality timber which directly reflects on value and price. Correct pruning, according to A-Absolute Tree Services, involves making sure that a third of the living branches are left after pruning. Right timing on when to prune is critical especially if the area to be pruned is a wildlife shelter. Furthermore, it should be done in a proper way such that the game cover is not destroyed.

Recommended Pruning Techniques

Target pruning is one the best methods of pruning, as stated by Research Gate, since one is able to leave tree parts intact and minimize bole’s tissue damage. Canopy pruning is another recommended pruning technique as it enables light penetration. This allows for the growth of grasses and other plants and this encourages survival of amphibians and frogs. During pruning, the windward side should be taken into consideration as amphibians especially frogs which breathe through their skin, could be easily affected by debris-carrying wind.

Utility Poles

In the United States, most utility poles are made of wood, despite the emergence of steel utility poles. This is because wood is a good insulator and is relatively cheap due to the high availability of trees. Among the trees popularly used are red cedars, Southern yellow pines, and Western yellow pines as they produce straight poles. Poles are selected while still standing in the forest, then the felling process begins.

Most of the times the right procedures and techniques are not used in this process. Unfortunately, flush cutting is observed on pruned trees that are meant for utility poles. Tree topping is also another wrong technique that not only gives an ugly view of the forest but also, has zero considerations for potential wildlife habitats. If the right equipment is not used, the forest environment could be adversely affected. This is why knowledge on the right way of pruning and harvesting trees is key, especially with the high demand for poles and timber.

Amphibians and reptiles make the environment greener. They help in natural pest control and act as food for other wildlife. The contribution of frogs to modern medicine is another reason why frogs are so important. With the above-given statistics, it is evident that more needs to be done in order to care of and protect them. Proper environmental care, especially in the forest, and curbing pollution will go a long way in preserving these species for generations to come.

Written and researched by Jennifer Dawson