
Winners of the 2017 Amphibian and Reptile Photo Contest

Frogs Are Green wants to thank all the amazing wildlife photographers from around the world who submitted such a wide variety of amphibians and reptiles. We had frogs (of course), turtles and snakes, but we also received alligators, lizards and more! Between our photo contest and kids art contest we received entries from more than 30 countries this year! Thank our to our judges, John Dunstan, Gaye Dunstan, Sam Pesin, Beverly D’Andrea, Jerome China, and Devin Edmonds! We know how hard it is to choose!

– Susan Newman, founder,  Frogs Are Green Inc. – A New Jersey nonprofit organization.


Announcing the Winners of the 2017 Frogs Are Green Photo Contest

(Theme: Amphibians and Reptiles)

1st Place: Ronald Zimmerman – Emerald Glassfrog (Espadarana prosoblepon), Ecuador

Ronald Zimmerman, Emerald Glassfrog (Espadarana prosoblepon), Ecuador

Ronald Zimmerman, Emerald Glassfrog (Espadarana prosoblepon), Ecuador

2nd Place: Deep-Rajwar – King Portrait (Snake)

Deep-Rajwar - King Portrait

Deep-Rajwar – King Portrait

3rd Place: ©Ajay Singh Rajawat (Snake and Frog)

…And this time Reptile wins the game of death. Checkered Keelback snake swallowing Indian Bullfrog. Shot at Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh), India.

Ajay Singh Rajawat - Checkered Keelback snake swallowing Indian Bullfrog, India

Ajay Singh Rajawat – Checkered Keelback snake swallowing Indian Bullfrog, India.

Honorable Mention: Amanda Gilbert, Loveland, Ohio, (Turtle)

Amanda Gilbert, Loveland, Ohio, turtle

Amanda Gilbert, Loveland, Ohio, turtle


Winners of the “Best Amphibian Photo 2017”

1st Place: Sebastian Hernandez, Rhinella margaritifera, Ecuador

Sebastian-Hernandez-Rhinella margaritifera, Ecuador

Sebastian Hernandez, Rhinella margaritifera, Ecuador

2nd Place: Ronald Zimmerman, Gliding Treefrog (Agalychnis spurrelli), Ecuador

Ronald Zimmerman, Gliding Treefrog (Agalychnis spurrelli), Ecuador

Ronald Zimmerman, Gliding Treefrog (Agalychnis spurrelli), Ecuador

3rd Place: Krukarg-Tree frog on my coneflowers in my front yard near Tomahawk, Wisconsin

Krukarg-Tree frog on my coneflowers in my front yard near Tomahawk, Wisconsin

Krukarg-Tree frog on my coneflowers in my front yard near Tomahawk, Wisconsin

Honorable Mention: Linda Bailey – Birmingham, MI – Oophaga Pumilio Punta Laurent

Linda Bailey - Birmingham, MI - Oophaga Pumilio Punta Laurent

Linda Bailey – Birmingham, MI – Oophaga Pumilio Punta Laurent


Winners of the “Best Reptile Photo 2017”

1st Place: Miriam Christine, striking eyes,  Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla nasuta)

Miriam Christine, striking eyes,  Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla nasuta)

Miriam Christine, striking eyes, Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla nasuta)

2nd Place: Deep Rajwar – Red-tailed bamboo pit viper

Deep Rajwar - Red-tailed bamboo pit viper

Deep Rajwar – Red-tailed bamboo pit viper

3rd Place: Christian Spencer, Python mask

Christian Spencer, Python mask

Christian Spencer, Python mask


Winners 2016 Photo Contests

Frogs Are Green thanks photographers from around the world for entering our annual two contests, Frogs in the Wild and Backyard Frogs.

The entries were creative, exceptional and came in from our own New Jersey, states around the USA, and countries such as Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Australia.

We thank the judges for their selections and applaud their effort.

Winners of the 2016 Frogs in the Wild Photo Contest

1st Place: Juan David Fernandez, Hypsiboas punctatus, Colombia
2nd Place: Ronald Zimmerman, Reticulated Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium valerioi) from Costa Rica.
3rd Place: Sebastian Di Domenico, Hypsiboas picturatus, Ecuador

Honorable Mentions:
Juan David Fernandez, Dendrobates truncatus, yellow-striped poison frog, Colombia
Sebastian Moreno, Oophaga histrionica, Colombia


Winners of the 2016 Backyard Frogs Photo Contest

1st Place: Hannah Sigler, Williamsburg, Iowa, Tree frog
2nd Place: Melville Osborne, late season Gray Tree Frog, Roxbury Township, Morris County, NJ
3rd Place: Nic Crampton, Green-Eyed Tree Frog, Litoria serrata, Queensland, Australia

Honorable Mentions:
Melville Osborne, Gray Tree Frog, New Jersey
Ewelina Zjezdzalka, frog from the Canary Islands


Frogs Are Green 2012 Photo Contest: Now Open for Submissions!

One of the winning photos from the 2011 contest. Photograph by Krista Herbstrith, Northfield, MN.

The 4th annual Frogs Are Green photo contest is now open for submissions. We hope you take your camera with you while you’re on vacation and get some great photos of frogs or other amphibians! Or you might take some great photos in your own backyard.

As in the past, we will be accepting submissions in two categories: Frogs in the Wild and Backyard Frogs.

Backyard Frog photos would include such photos as a frog perched on your picnic table or other unusual place. One year, for example, we received a photo of a frog sitting on a pool hose.

Frogs in the Wild photos, on the other hand, should feature frogs, toads, or other amphibians in their natural habitat: frog ponds, marshes, in the woods, and so on.

PLEASE—no photo manipulation and no photos of pet frogs. Please do not move the frog to get a better photo.

Photos of amphibians of all kinds, including salamanders, will be accepted.

This year we have a new contest area using Flickr, where you can enter yourself. You must add a caption/ description with your Name, Title and Location or your submission will not be added. For more information, please visit the contest page.There are three different group pools, two for photography so be sure to enter your photo into the right group pool.

Frogs Are Green Backyard Frogs 2012 Photo Contest

Frogs Are Green Frogs in the Wild 2012 Photo Contest

All entries must be received by November 30, 2012. Winners will be announced January 15, 2012.

The winner will receive a Frogs Are Green poster or t-shirt of his/her choice from our store.

We look forward to seeing your photos!


Announcing the Winners of the 2011 Frogs Are Green Photography Contest

We are excited to announce the winners of the second annual 2011 FROGS ARE GREEN photo contest. We were thrilled to receive such fabulous entries, and it was difficult to pick winners. We hope you will continue your adventures as amphibian photographers and enter next year’s photo contest!

We accepted photos in two categories: Frogs in the Wild and Backyard Frogs.



Photograph by Sara Viernum, Barking Treefrog holding onto to a reed in a vernal pond in the Talladega National Forest in Northeastern, Alabama.

Photograph by Sara Viernum, Barking Treefrog holding onto to a reed in a vernal pond in the Talladega National Forest in Northeastern, Alabama.

Honorable mentions:
"Froggy Condo" taken at Jenna Wild Life Preserve Swamps in Dixi County, Florida, by Tina Calderin.

"Froggy Condo" taken at Jenna Wild Life Preserve Swamps in Dixi County, Florida, by Tina Calderin

Tree frog in Lily, photographed by Brian Blom, Deerwood, MN.

Tree frog in Lily, photographed by Brian Blom, Deerwood, MN.

Photograph by Krista Herbstrith who says, "I was showing my son the frog on the flowers from the garden, when the frog leaped and landed on my son's face," Northfield, MN.

Photograph by Krista Herbstrith who says, "I was showing my son the frog on the flowers from the garden, when the frog leaped and landed on my son's face," Northfield, MN.

Honorable mention:
Photograph by Sara Viernum - Barking Treefrog is hunting for insects under the front porch light on a house in Oxford, Alabama.

Photograph by Sara Viernum - Barking Treefrog is hunting for insects under the front porch light on a house in Oxford, Alabama.

This photo by Jan Knizek wasn’t easily categorized, but we wanted to give it  special mention because it poignantly tells the story of  how European Green Toads and other amphibians are losing their habitats through over development. This is one of a very few breeding sites of the toads in Prague, Czech Republic, and is currently endangered by a development project.
Photograph by Jan Knizak, Photo taken at the last known breeding site in Prague, Czech Republic, currently endangered by a development project.

Photograph taken by Jan Knizek taken at one of a very few breeding sites in Prague, Czech Republic, currently endangered by a development project.


Announcing the Winners of the 2010 Frogs Are Green Photo Contest

First off, we would like to thank all the photographers who entered the 2010 FROGS ARE GREEN photo contest. We were thrilled to receive your entries, and it was difficult to pick a winner. We hope you will continue your adventures as amphibian photographers and enter next year’s photo contest!

This year we accepted photos in two categories: frogs in the wild and backyard frogs.

WINNER: Adam Paine

Mourning Frogs in South Carolina by Adam Paine

Photo of Mourning Frogs in South Carolina by Adam Paine

We chose this photo because it is unusual and compelling.

Adam writes of the photo, “These frogs were found along the Pocotaligo River in South Carolina. It seems as if the mother frog had recently passed away from unknown causes. I had never seen this deep of an emotion showed in the Reptilian Kingdom before.”


Camouflaged Toad in Josephine County, Oregon.

Photo of Camouflaged Toad in Josephine County, Oregon by Christine Murphy

We liked this well-composed photo of a handsome toad camouflaged on tree bark.


WINNER: Christine Murphy

Winner of the Frogs Are Green 2010 Backyard Frogs Photo Contest

Photo by Christine Murphy in Josephine County, Oregon.

We chose this photo of a frog on a fence because of its strong composition.


Singing Toad photo by Theresa Walters, Tionesta, PA. USA

Singing Toad photo by Theresa Walters, Tionesta, PA. USA - Honorable Mention

We liked this photo of a male toad serenading a female toad in a backyard pond.

Theresa writes, “I found this singing toad in my backyard pond, in Tionesta, PA, standing on an artificial water lily. He was so involved in “singing” for a female, he didn’t even know I was there!”

The winners will receive a Frogs Are Green t-shirt or poster of his/her choice or we can design a special t-shirt and/or poster with your winning photo. Honorable mention photographers will receive our small Red-Eyed Tree Frog poster.


FROGS ARE GREEN Kids' Art Contest and 2010 Photo Contest Reminder

Just a reminder that you still have time to

enter our Kids’ Art Contest and Photo Contest!

2010 Frogs Are Green Kids’ Art Contest

Design by Susan Newman | Illustration by Paul Zwolak

Contest theme: IT IS EASY BEING GREEN!

Your artwork can be about frogs and how we can help them, or it can be about ways we can be green at home, at school, or in the community.

Deadline for submissions is November 30, 2010 and the winner will be announced December 15, 2010. The winner will be featured in a post and his or her artwork will be used to create a poster for the campaign. The winner will also receive 2 copies of this new poster. All other kids who enter will receive a FROGS ARE GREEN (eco-friendly) wristband.

We’re looking for drawings, paintings, sculpture, collage, or whatever format helps you express yourself. Send your digital files or photographs of the objects to us at info@frogsaregreen.com. The files should be no larger than 3MB each. We will accept the original drawings, but please ship with a tracking number for safety, the address is on our contact page.

Download this flyer to post for your kids at home or at school.

We can’t wait to see your artwork!

2010 Frogs Are Green Photo Contest

This year we will be accepting submissions in two categories: Frogs in the Wild and Backyard Frogs. Backyard Frog photos would include such photos as a frog perched on your picnic table or other unusual place. Last year, for example, we received a photo of a frog sitting on a pool hose. Frogs in the Wild photos, on the other hand, should feature frogs, toads, or other amphibians in their natural habitat: frog ponds, marshes, in the woods, and so on.

PLEASE—no photo manipulation and no photos of pet frogs. Please do not move the frog to get a better photo. Photos of amphibians of all kinds, including salamanders, will be accepted. E-mail all photos to us at Frogs Are Green. All photos should be in jpeg format and no larger than 3 MB. Please name your photo a short but distinctive name (with no spaces, such as, “susan-frog-NJ.jpg”) and include a caption detailing your name, email and the location of the photo. All entries must be received by November 30, 2010. Winners will be announced December 15, 2010.



The winner will receive a Frogs Are Green t-shirt or poster of his/her choice or we can design a special t-shirt and/or poster with your winning photo. The photo will be featured in a separate post and the photo will also appear on the front page of the blog all year.

Honorable mentions:

Honorable mention photos will appear in a gallery on our blog and the photographers will receive our small Red-Eyed Tree Frog poster.