
City of Water Day in Hoboken

Yesterday was the City of Water Day all around New York and Hoboken, New Jersey. Frogs Are Green was invited to participate so we could share our educational materials and inspire children to draw frogs. (Frogs love water, you know.)

As you can see from this little gallery, we had children visit our tent all day and we watched people go out in kayaks, enjoying the water on such a hot day.

Across from us in the other tents, we saw face-painting and other creative activities for kids One was the Celebrate Life Studio who also encouraged children and adults to dance. Next to us the Hudson County Improvement Authority gave away coloring books along with crayons made from soybeans and other recycled items, such as reusable bags.

We want to thank the Waterfront Alliance for a well-organized event full of bonuses, like giving us free lunch, plenty of water and thanks, Ben & Jerry’s, for the free ice cream too!

Child drawing frogs under the Frogs Are Green tent at The City of Water event in Hoboken.

Child drawing frogs under the Frogs Are Green tent at The City of Water event in Hoboken.

City of Water event draws parents and children and Frogs Are Green inspires drawing.

The City of Water event in Hoboken draws parents and children and Frogs Are Green inspires drawing.

Kayaks out in Hoboken, NJ all day long!

Kayaks out in Hoboken, NJ all day long!

Kids love to draw and we encourage them to care about frogs too!
Children busy drawing with crayons, colored pencils and markers.

Children busy drawing with crayons, colored pencils and markers.

Celebrate Life Studio had children's activities including dance!

Celebrate Life Studio had children's activities including dance!

Frogs Are Green loves it when children are into drawing frogs!

Frogs Are Green loves it when children are into drawing frogs!

Frogs, Trees and scenic drawings at the City of Water event in Hoboken, NJ.

Frogs, Trees and scenic drawings at the City of Water event in Hoboken, NJ.

Frogs Are Green's table with books, Tshirts, promotional materials and space for children to draw.

Frogs Are Green's table with books, Tshirts, promotional materials and space for children to draw. (Thanks, Mark for your support!)

Frogs Are Green Tshirts and promotional materials for our forthcoming poetry book and coloring books.

Frogs Are Green Tshirts and promotional materials for our forthcoming poetry book and coloring books.

Hoboken's Maxwell Pier for The City of Water event hosted by the Waterfront Alliance.

Hoboken's Maxwell Pier for The City of Water event hosted by the Waterfront Alliance. (Thank you!)

New York Times article about The City of Water event and Frogs Are Green is mentioned!

New York Times article about The City of Water event and Frogs Are Green is mentioned! Woot!

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