Announcing the Winners of the 2012 Frogs Are Green Photography Contest

We are excited to announce the winners of the fourth annual 2012 FROGS ARE GREEN photo contest. We were thrilled to receive such fabulous entries, and it was difficult to pick the winners. We hope you will continue your adventures as amphibian photographers and enter next year’s photo contest!

We accepted photos in two categories: Frogs in the Wild and Backyard Frogs.


First place: Sherri Simms – “Spotted this frog and had to snap a photo, looked like he was smiling! It was taken at a pond in London, Ontario.”

Winner 2012 Frogs Are Green Photography Contest - Sherri Simms

Second place: Sara Viernum – Northern Red-legged Frog hanging out in the wetlands at Wapato Greenway in Portland, Oregon

2nd Place 2012 Frogs Are Green Photography Contest - Sara Viernum

Honorable mention: Aaron Wang, USA

3rd Place 2012 Frogs Are Green Photography Contest - Aaron Wang


First place: Simply Bananas1 “Surfin’ the green wave.”

Winner 2012 Frogs Are Green Backyard Frogs Photography Contest - Simply Bananas1

Second place: Brad Merrell – “A Frog’s Perspective”

2nd Place 2012 Frogs Are Green Backyard Frogs Photography Contest - Brad Merrell

Honorable mention: Eleanor Leonne Bennett Cheshire UK

3rd Place 2012 Frogs Are Green Backyard Frogs Photography Contest - Eleanor Leonne Bennett